Carey Ash sent shock waves through the student body Friday in a letter addressed to vice president of the Student Government Association Channing Blake announcing that he was dismissed of his post due to failure to meet the 2.5 grade point average requirement.
In the letter, SGA President Ash wrote, “You were aware in December 2007 that your grade point average fell below the required minimum and yet you did not remove yourself from office…For ineligible officials to have been removed in January of this year, for you to be aware of their removal, and then for you to still remain in office…is both reprehensible and sad.”
In a phone interview, Ash said that at the end of the 2007 fall semester, Blake received an “I” in one class and failed to notify the SGA’s advisor, Twyana Cain or himself of the changes.
Ash did not know of Blake’s grade until students suggested that Blake was intended to file in the upcoming SGA elections and did not have the minimum grade.
“Since no one has access to another student’s grades because of privacy laws, the assistant registar informed me that Blake did not have a 2.5.”
When he found out, Ash said he immediately drafted a letter to Blake informing him of his removal from office.
“The former vice president knew his grades were not up to par and then attempted to file for the 2008-09 school term as president,” said Ash of his disappointment over Blake. “Mr. Blake knew of his grades and traveled to Washington D.C. on the student’s dime.”
Blake, who had not responded to Ash’s phone call, wrote a letter to the student body yesterday in which he stated, “My disagreement and unwillingness to compromise the integrity of my office, as well as the malicious strategies that have been employed, has prevented me from performing my job effectively.”
When asked to make a formal statement on his letter, the events leading up to his dismissal and his speculation that his ousting was a personal attack, Blake told the DIGEST he had, “no comment,” despite coming into the newspaper’s office after phone calls were made.
Today, Stasha Rhodes will be sworn in as SGA Vice President. Rhodes, a junior senator from Napoleonville and former president pro tempore wants to get as much work done as she can in the week and a half the 2007-08 Senate has left.
“I want to put an end to Senate meetings being canceled at the spur of the moment,” said Rhodes when asked what she planned to do once she becomes vice president. “I want to put forth an effort to pass bills so student organizations can get money. The senators also need to write and pass bills of their own. The term is not over, yet.”
Rhodes also said she will have a senate meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in the second floor of the Smith Brown Memorial Union. Students are invited to attend.
Ash, who called a special session of his own Monday night, wanted to address the recent events and to also introduce bills dealing with members of the SGA and their grades.
Rhodes will conduct her first meeting at vice president tonight, also at 6 p.m. in the Union. Students are invited to attend as well.