“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”
-Winston Churchill
“The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”
-Norman Vincent Peale
“Honest and earnest criticism from those whose interests are most nearly touched, criticism of writers by readers, of government by those governed, of leaders by those led, this is the soul of democracy and the safeguard of modern society”
-W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk
A prime minister, an author, and a co-founder of the NAACP all spoke on criticism and each held the same sentiment, criticism is essential to move forward.
I understand that a lot of people didn’t like what was said about the current Student Government Association president’s performance thus far this year and have expressed such discourse via social media, which I personally don’t have a problem with seeing as free speech is highly encouraged in our field, but what I take offense to is the attack of single person for expressing her own opinion.
Twitter is a fun place to talk about your life and express your opinion but to attack someone is wrong.
To attack someone for stating his or her opinion under the guise of a twitter profile is ignorant and just down right cowardly.
At least our writer had the courage to put her thoughts in print under her real name accompanied by her picture. That is not something that can be easily done as I have learned in my own experience, but nevertheless it’s also something that has to be done.
From my perspective it seems as though everyone is taking this situation a touch too personal.
Its not like she said he was a horrible president all she did was ask a simple a question: What has he done for you?
So far no one seems as though they can answer this.
I mean you say we are wrong for saying he hasn’t done anything yet no one has even proven us wrong yet.
Getting mad and Twitter bashing doesn’t help your cause, it makes you look foolish and its a misrepresentation of who your are as an intelligent, educated person.
Grown-ups respond to differing opinions by using their own opinion supported by facts. Could there have been more facts to support her opinion, yes, but the fact that she had to ask is fact enough to defend her opinion.
To say “you have to be in SGA to understand” is a cop out, a very sad one at that, using that weak nonsensical logic you would have to be in SU administration to understand why its ok to not pay professors on time for doing their jobs on time.
Or you would have to be in state government to understand why it’s ok to cut health and education across the state (when we all clearly know that it’s not).
Better yet you would have to be in the executive branch of U.S. government to understand why President Bush’s lack of vision, which drove our country into debt and war, was fine not to question… and I know we have all questioned that before.
However according to you (McCorkle administration bandwagoners or disgruntled dissenters) it’s not ok in a democratic country where the people elect individuals to run things to question them on their performance.
How backwards is that?
How many slave tendencies do we still have?
How many crabs are still in the barrel?
“Oh yes, I’m just going pay for your tuition, clothes stipend, travel stipend, and food stipends and not question you on the things I don’t see you doing.” (in my best black face impression while soft shoeing)
If anything I would take this as my chance to gloat on what I have done and took pride in one uping the media, instead of allowing people in my fray and in my corner to further damage my image and add fuel to frenzy of media headlines.
If we really had it out for someone our front page story would portray them as so weak they can’t defend themselves.
No, all we did is what we are supposed to do and that’s to keep those in power on their toes.
I mean come on people, if you really want to defend the man show us what he has done and where we messed up.
Don’t be an ignorant mass that showcases stupidity and down right cowardice.
Have the fortitude to challenge our ideas like adults and not like whimpering children.
Oh yeah and by the way my Twitter handle is @Ngenious_kidd, that way you won’t have to look too hard.
Criticism: not agreeable, but needed
December 2, 2012