The Student Government Association and the sophomore class hosted a forum Monday night in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union, in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom, to give students a rounded insight on gay marriage.
Over 40 students were in attendance stating their opinions to poll questions that were asked from a list of questions that the SGA Board collaboratively decided to pose.
The first question asked by audience was: shouldn’t people be able to marry who the love?
Steven Brown, criminal justice grad student of Shreveport, La., answered, “Love is blind and it can blossom in any aspect.”
Karl Prevost, senior Psychology major from New Orleans, added that no one should be denied the right to marry who they want.
According to Demetrius Sumner, SGA President, same sex marriage is not a means to assist the state or the government, which is the reason all states have yet to pass the law to allow all gays to become married.
Brown stated that with same sex marriages, there is more time in effort in pushing their children into success.
Brown says that same sex marriages are better than opposite sex marriages.
Sumner asked the question that did people think that homosexuality is something people are born with.
According to Nitra Belvin, business management major sophomore from New Orleans people pick and choose what they want.
“It’s not your place to judge me and it’s not your place for me to judge you,” Belvin exclaimed. “The word marriage is more of a biblical word.”
‘Love is Love’ sparks debate
February 2, 2012