Southern University’s Tourgee A. Debose music Hall and John B. Cade Library are currently under construction. Ongoing repairs and renovations will soon end. The main part of the music hall will open during the middle of the spring semester, while the annex will remain closed. The library renovations will be completed by the end of February.
The mold in the music hall has been tested and determined to be harmless. The two main problem areas concerning mold in Debose hall are the choir room and the piano lab. The mold in these two rooms were caused by the air conditioner and climate control system not being maintained properly. Repairs are expensive, which explains why the process of renovations has been prolonged. The music department and their classes have been moved to William W. Steward and Frank Hayden Hall until the renovations are completed.
Charles Lloyd, chairman of Music Program said, “The goal is to have the main building of Debose ready soon due to a big piano competition in April and students need space to practice.”
Lloyd also commented saying the department being split up into two different departments is causing students to meet at either Hayden Hall and or Stewart Hall for classes, and not being able to properly prepare and practice their music skills.
“The split has been challenging but we are proud of our students for being patient and making the situation work,” said Lloyd. “I also appreciate the faculty in Steward and Hayden that have been very cooperative and understanding.”
Lloyd added, “It’s very challenging but we are making it work.”
Freshman JaCory Wildrige, a Music Education major from Lake Charles, La thinks that the split of the music department is not bad, but it is hard to practice.
“You are still having class and everything. The only thing I don’t like is that we do not have enough room to practice as we should,” said Wildrige.
“ I haven’t heard any news or updates about the music building condition either,” Wildrige added.
In the library, about 80 percent of the windows were replaced with storm resistant windows, a new ceiling tower, new carpet (in some areas), and paint jobs. Most of the areas in the library were closed off due to damages from Hurricane Gustav. Emma Perry, Dean of Libraries has been working with the fire marshal and Southern University to get the elevators back in operation and tied to the alarm system. There has been accommodations for students who are disabled and handicapped by having staff members get the items they need, and Skype is available to connect students to the classrooms on the upper level. The renovations and repairs cost 1.9 million dollars in total.
“I am looking forward to the completion of the library,” said Perry. “So the students can have a full access library including the areas that were damaged.”
Junior Lexi Holland, a Criminal Justice major from Lake Charles, La prefers to stay at home to study and do her homework now.
“The construction is annoying because its hard to move in and out the library like before and I hate not having the elevators fixed,” said Holland. “They have been broken for a long time.”
“Sometimes people don’t have time to run up the stairs they need to fix it soon before somebody files a law suit,” Holland added.
Debose and Cade renovations ending soon
February 4, 2015
Construction workers repairing the front door of John B. Cade Library.