On Tuesday, September 26, at seven o’clock at the student union Southern University’s administration and SGA leadership came together with students to listen from a student’s point of view on what needs to be fixed on campus. This event will help the administration see some of the concerns we have as students from needing more lights in the back of campus to the millions of potholes that need to be fixed. Students came out in their activewear to walk 2 miles around the campus.
SGA leaders lead the group walk around campus from the union to the back of campus to see what changes the campus needs. For the students that showed up, some students mentioned the need for speed bumps as cars came flying by. Once we crossed the bridge to get to the back of campus, that was where one of the major concerns of lighting was brought up. The problem was that in the areas we walked by the health center and as students call the circle where Dunn Hall, Totty Hall; and Camilla Shade Hall reside there were either nonworking lights or dimly lit lighting around the female dormitory’s. This is very dangerous especially because this is where students come to hang out and make new connections late night. Passing through Jones parking lot which had the most lighting but then going to the on-campus apartments had barely any light which gave off a creepy feeling for some students the most light came from cars headlights.
Another concern the students also talked about was the numerous potholes that are big enough to cause major damage to one’s car, especially for students who like to exceed the speed limits. While walking, some students had to maneuver around on the sidewalks because of the bumpiness to the point if someone is not careful of where they walk, they could hurt themselves. Toward the end of the walk, students suggested that the crosswalk and parking spaces should be repainted to help students identify where the crosswalk is and what is a parking spot.
At the end of the event, the students that were left sat inside the ballroom inside the union to discuss everything that was seen and what are the next steps. The first to speak was a leader from SGA Vice President Kennedy Orr, told students, “This event was not the last, and the problem that was said will be fixed.” While everyone was getting seated in the ballroom, SGA president Brandon Horne started by saying, “I appreciate everybody for coming out, one of the biggest things that we are trying to do is make sure that we get more lighting on campus and sense we are SGA we advocate for the students.” Brandon also restated that everything they will be trying to give out constant updates to students. Kennedy also said that the next event will be more focused on the building by going inside and seeing what areas inside need to be fixed. Kennedy also stated, “Everything that we do is a group effort and that this will help people go into each other’s colleges.” Then Dr.Jackson spoke to students and commended the student’s leadership on being the voice for students about the concerns we constantly voice. But Dr.Jackson did say, “Everything that the student body voices need funding, and with inflation, everything is expensive”. So, the question that everybody wants to know is, where is the money that we give to the school going? To have your questions answered, there will be a senate meeting on Tuesday, October 2, 2023, at 4 p.m. in the ballroom.
Light up the night with the Administration
October 3, 2023
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