Dolores M.R. Spikes Honors College
Dr. Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes (1936-2015) was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dolores was the first African-American Mathematics major, as well as the first Southern University graduate to receive a doctorate in mathematics from LSU. After receiving her doctorate degree, she went to dedicate her degree and knowledge to Southern University and she later on became the Vice-Chancellor for academic affairs, the Chancellor for SUBR and SUNO and lastly, in 1988, she became the president of the Southern University and A&M College System.
Camille S. Shade Hall
Camille Stivers Shade (1929-1926) was employed at Southern University for a total of 40 years. During that time she served as the University Librarian. Today, the library houses the Camille Shade African-American Heritage Collection, which is located on the 3rd floor. Her name now prevails statuesquely over the women’s upperclassmen dormitory as well.
S. V. Totty Hall
Samuella V. Totty (1914-1961) organized the Division of Business at Southern University in the late 1930’s and she served as its Chairman until 1957. In Hebrew the name Samuella means Asked of God. Samuella was devoted to Southern University during her time spent there and now her name sits above the freshman women’s dormitory building.
Boley Hall
Alice Almira Boley (1885-1967) dedicated a total of 42 years to Southern University. Between the years of 1916 and 1958, Boley started off teaching at Southern University for 26 years and In 1942 she began to teach at Southern University Laboratory School until the year of 1958. Her name is atop Boley Hall, a student residential dormitory located at the back of campus.
Pinkie E. Thrift Hall
Pinkie Etolia Thrift (1900-1981) was not only beneficial to Southern University. She was also known for her accomplishments towards improving education and securing funds for Black Colleges and Universities. Miss Thrift was not originally from louisiana, but her career path eventually brought her to Southern University in 1941 where she served as the director and eventually the first Dean of Home Economics. Underneath her leadership and guidance, a graduate program in Home Economics was established. Southern University named The Family and Consumer Science building in remembrance of all her contributions towards the University.
E. N. Mayberry Hall
Emma Nesbit Mayberry (1878-1967) was the first Director of Economics. She served Southern University for 26 years. Mrs. E. N. Mayberry worked as a teacher and she was also the head of the women’s dormitories and Boarding Department. She also started the first sorority chapter on campus in 1932 (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, inc.).
Lottie Anthony Hall
Charlotte Bolles Anthony (1841-1877), also known as Lottie B. Anthony, was an activist for women’s rights and stood boldly in the face of adversity as she defended what was right. She was among the 14 women that were arrested with Susan B. Anthony after they voted illegally in Rochester, New York on November 5, 1872. Southern University’s College Administration Building located by the bluff was named after Mrs. Anthony.
Buildings named after women on campus
March 20, 2019
Buildings named after women on campus
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