I’ve seen many fashion tragedies on campus and this is the only way I know how to address it. Don’t worry; I’m here to give you all a few tips on keeping your style, staying true to yourself and not looking a hot mess.
This was in no shape, form or fashion (no pun intended) meant to offend anyone, but to inform students on how they are parading around campus.
1. Everyone can’t walk in heels. If your feet start telling you to take the heels off before you hop on the Southern Shuttle to class, heels are not for you! Keep a pair of flats with you. That way you won’t have to walk around looking like you are stomping roaches because your feet hurt.
2. Hair scarfs are for sleeping! I understand it rains and you want to preserve your hair and wear a scarf. Perhaps wear a cap, baseball or otherwise, with your outfit. I find it mind boggling when females get fully dressed only to keep their hair wrapped and have no intention of taking it down.
3. Not everyone can wear every kind of eye shadow. Certain people can and cannot wear particular eye shadow shades. Silver and blue aren’t for everyone. Gold, however, is a good neutral color. Just be careful to not over apply or take the risk of looking like Mimi from “The Drew Carey Show.”
4. Know your size. Leggings are not for everyone, especially brightly colored ones. If you think something looks wrong, it most likely is and it’s time for an outfit change.
5. Be comfortable and confident.
Okay, guys you didn’t get off easy.
1. Pajamas are not clothes. Please do not wear shower slippers with socks and Spongebob pajama pants to class or to the cafeteria. They are called “bed clothes” for a reason.
2. Have some originality and quit wearing white tees. That song is so 2004! How about dressing more collegiate … say a white Polo-type shirt?
Everyone should follow these last two suggestions as they are probably the most important.
Mirror check: Everyone needs to own a full length mirror. They are a great investment. Before leaving for class, you should check every angle. If something catches your eye, fix it.
Also, keep in mind that you are here for an education. While finding a significant other is important, you came to Southern for an education not to impress the guy or girl sitting next to you in class.
Again, this editorial was in no way meant to hurt anyone or put anyone down, I’m just expressing how I feel and ultimately, education should come first, not fashion.
Some helpful fashion tips
September 16, 2010