The Lacumba Fund money released to Student Government Association, Southern University Human Jukebox travel funds, and campaign promises were discussed at the State of SGA Address Thursday in Smith-Brown Memorial Union.
SGA President Demetrius Sumner’s address was anticipated for vital updated information.
“Thank you Kye for your outstanding leadership in the senate, I applaud the (SU) Administration who has taken on a whole new image, and I applaud Kenya Warren for being an outstanding leader in the community,” said Demetrius Sumner, SGA President.
Sumner cleared the air regarding customer service, F.G. Clark parking, and Lacumba fund money allocations. Sumner said, “Rendering poor service should be terms to be terminated. We should engage the people who utilize the mini-dome parking lot into the fight for it to be re-paved, and that out of the 318,000 dollars from the Lacumba fund only 10,000 dollars will be dedicated to homecoming.”
Sumner referred to refund checks and the new policies of direct lending; stressing that students who have received financial aid through direct lending must sign a new promissory note in order to receive refund checks.
“We are working to have a book program where students will always have access to books for class in the library. I am dedicated to a work-out facility so students can have access at all hours, And we are working to paint the hump,” said Sumner.
He concluded challenging all students within the next week to stop by the SGA office and find out how to get involved.
Venese Morgan, SGA Chief Justice introduced the justices for the judiciary address. “I am proud to announce that with hard work the judicial branch has occupied all nine seats. The first active judiciary since the Fall of 2006,” Morgan continued, “We serve as the mediators of fairness to SGA.”
Kye Lewis, SGA Vice President, conveyed his current status as Vice President and Head of the Student Senate. “I will continue to help improve the student experience by making sure the students stay paid, laid, and full. Paid by refund checks direct deposited to accounts or on debit cards, laid by paving new basketball courts in the back, and full by student discounts at restaurants.”
Lewis allowed Koi Lomas, SGA Chief of Staff, to give each class an introduction and update on the status of their class.
James Mason, Freshman Class President said, “We plan to host events including Breast Cancer Awareness, Seminars on Finance and Management, and a Mr. Freshman pageant.”
Shaquille Dillon, Sophomore Class President plans to continue his S.O.S. platform to Save Our Sophomores through activities and events.
Daniel Nelson, Junior Class President said, “We are trying to address three main areas; Academia, Community Service, and of course Leisure. We are working on a peers helping peers program, a campus beautification project, and mentoring because, the path to success starts early.” Nelson is also working towards an “Exam Jam” to provide students an opportunity to relax after their midterm exams.
Jael Gordon, Association of Women Students President said, “We will not let an adversity hinder any students.” Referring to budget cuts, delay of refund checks, and any issue students face. Gordon shared, “The Association of Women’s Students represents the interests of all SU women,” Gordon wants to work with each organization on campus to serve the women of SU. Gordon continued, “It is not always about us,” and challenged students to give back to their community.
“Our model is the measure of a man. A team is only as strong as their weakest link. We have already assisted/ hosted five events. We look forward to servicing the men of Southern University,” said Robert Lawson, Men’s Federation Vice President.
Miss Southern addressed the student body concerning her original platform. “I feel the total package has been sealed and delivered,” said Kenya Warren, Miss Southern University. She continued discussing her programs, “My overall objective is to promote empowerment to SU, the community, and the world we live in.” Warren is focusing on the adoption of Scotlandville High, Up ‘til Dawn, and CAST (Calling All Sisters Together). Miss Southern raised 1,200 dollars at her first event for Up ‘til Dawn.
Sumner presented a check for $13,700 to cover the Jukebox’s travel and food for the Jackson State game and challenged the community, alumni, faculty, and staff to make donations to ensure funds are provided for the band.
When presented with the check from SGA for the Human Jukebox, Band Director Jackson said, “Thank you for this bold statement and humble gesture. We will not fail this great student body.”
In an effort of transparency all of the plans for the rest of the Lacumba fund are going to be released for the students as soon as they are finalized. The homecoming artists and the plans for the Lacumba money will be released in a letter to the editor from Sumner in the Southern Digest.
Sumner lays out plans
September 16, 2010