The Southern University office of Financial Aid hosted the third College Goal Sunday in the Cotillion Ballroom Sunday.
“This is the university’s second time hosting the event,” said Melanie Amrhein, Executive Director for the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance.
The program allowed students and parents alike to find out more about the FASFA application process. The doors were open to all students, though the audience was composed mostly of graduating high school seniors and their parent(s). This program was also open to all students, regardless of the institution the student looked to enroll.
“I’m glad to see parents and students wanting to get help now, instead of waiting until the summer or the beginning of the semester,” said Raymond Clark, Assistant Director of Southern University’s Financial Aid.
The program began with Clark welcoming all attendees. The program proceeded with presentations from Edith Cox, Assistant Director of Financial Aid at Xavier University of Louisiana, Erica Hughes, Clark and Amrhein.
In his presentation, Clark, who had been coordinating the event since the fall, informed students to remember the deadline to complete the FAFSA application for the Fall semester is July 31st. Hughes picked up informing the audience that is important that the student name placed on the application matches the name found on the student’s social security card. Also, Hughes stated that prior to beginning the application process, young men 18 and older who have need registered to vote need to register for selective services, and my do so by visiting Also, students were advised to check with their respective universities’ financial aid office to assure that the university didn’t have any addition requirements.
“I think the program was good”, said parent Carolyn Williams. However, according to Williams “I think they did a little too much reading and should develop a more initiative way of doing things.”
Mail-outs were issued informing students of the event. Southern University was chosen out of 17 other possible sites throughout the state. Among the other sites are Grambling State University, St. James High School, and Delta Community College to name a few.
“I think we had more attendees this year. We sent out correspondents to religious organizations and high schools telling them when the event will take place,” said Ursula Shorty, Director for Southern University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Throughout the program different Financial Aid Staff members assisted Clark in giving away door prizes. The recipient of all awards was chosen completely at random, by matching the last four digits of the ticket they received upon entering the room, to the ones being called by the hosts. High school senior Luke McKnight won two door prizes early on. The program closed after the financial aid staff awarded their final door prizes, one in the amount of $500, the other for $2000. LOSFA presented the Louisiana Association of Student Aid Administrators’ Mildred D. Higgins Scholarship Award in the amount of $500. The funds for the one time award will be dispersed to the institution the student enrolls into. Rolanda Davis, senior at Baker High School won the $500 scholarship. Davis intends to pursue a Degree of Nursing at BRCC. The other scholarship was presented by Southern University and was in the amount of $1000 for two semesters. The winner of this award, Josh Smith is undecided as to which university he wants to attend, but has narrowed it down to Southeastern University, LSU, and SU.
“Winning the scholarship has given me something to think about,” said Smith. Smith is a senior at Scotlandville High School and plans to pursue a career in either business or kinesiology.
The College Goal Sunday is a nationwide effort to help familiarize students with the FASFA application process and the importance of the completing the form. In the state of Louisiana, the program is funded through the LUMINA Foundation for Education. The grant, written by the Office of Student Financial Assistance offered about $150,000 to be used over the course of 3 years. The estimated cost spent per program is $50,000. Though this is the last year the program is covered by the grant, Amrhein says there are hopes of continuing the program in the Baton Rouge area.
“I think it (the program) went better this year. I hope that the even continues to grow,” expressed Clark.
The university staff and LOSFA worked in partnership with Wal-Mart, Raising Canes, Sams, LASFAA, and Miss Black Louisiana.
“I would like to thank the Administrative Office, who assisted with volunteers; Office of Student Affairs, who provided refreshments, and the SU bookstore for the door prizes,” said Shorty.
The financial aid office is offering what they call, “help sessions” to student organizations, athletes, band members, and any other department on campus. The help sessions are to help students do their FASFA. Students interested in the help session are advised to make an appointment with Clark. Also, the financial aid staff is looking to extend efforts of helping students with their FASFA application by setting up tables in the Union sometime in March. FASFA deadline for the summer, fall, and spring semesters is March 31.