Southern University Baton Rouge and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity hosted a “Reactivation Reception” for the Beta Sigma Chapter, suspended from the university for five years in 2005 due to hazing incidents.
Frank Oliver, Louisiana State Representative of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., will be presiding over the Spring 2010 intake process to foresee that there will be no future hazing incidents.
The Beta Sigma Chapter was suspended internationally for four years. However they were suspended for five years by the university. Five members from the Beta Sigma Chapter were suspended for four years and five members were expelled for life.
“We plan to put education on a high emphasis,” Oliver said. “We plan to only select the best and brightest men,” Oliver continues. Oliver’s main goal is to restore the founders’ mission of leadership when the organization was founded in 1911 on the campus of Howard University.
Oliver hopes the selected men will have the right morals and plans to encourage them to reinforce what was taught to them by their parents.
“I want them to know that when something is not right, they can inform the proper authorities,” Oliver said. “I know that when young men are 19-20 they are very vulnerable and want to be a part of Omega Psi Phi as well as any other organization.” Oliver emphasized that selection will be very important to the success of the Beta Sigma chapter.
Oliver is very optimistic about giving the selected men a good Greek life experience on campus, as well as after their matriculation at Southern University. Aiding Oliver with this Spring’s intake process will be an advisory board from the Lambda Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. as well as members from Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. Lambda Alpha is the graduate chapter that oversees the Beta Sigma Chapter.
”It takes special men to work with the men we will select,” Oliver said. “This process will not be over after this semester,” Oliver talks about walking the men through the process. Oliver, along with the assisting members plan to conduct meetings and programs in order to help the newly selected members.
The Beta Sigma Chapter will host its Informational for the Spring 2010 semester on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. All those interested are asked to dress in business attire (coat and tie). Interested men must have 2.5 cumulative grade point average (on a scale of 4.0), have completed 36 credit hours and be enrolled as a full-time student.