Miss Southern Sabrina Whitney’s term is nearing an end, but she is set to leave behind a legacy of community service.
Whitney admits that she didn’t know what to expect when she became Miss Southern last spring. She raised over $7,000 for the Up ‘Til Dawn program, a fundraising program for children who are patients at St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital and are in need of medical treatment for cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
“The Up ‘Til Dawn Program helps to find a cure for cancer and sickle cell anemia,” said Whitney. “Everyday I wake up another person’s life is in my hands,” she expressed.
Whiney set a $10,000 goal for the Up ‘Til Dawn Program during her term. The program was started by former Miss Southern Enitra Jones in 2004. On the average, Miss Southern raises $7,000 for her Up ‘Til Dawn Program. These funds are collected through donations and various activities the queen sponsors to raise money. Sabrina has sponsored many events such as Showtime at SU, where university talents would meet and broadcast their skills. She also hosted the Little Miss Southern event where local girls age 7-9 sold ads to go toward the Up ‘til Dawn Program. The participants were selected by their principal based on grades, attitude, and school performance,
“Overall my goals have been completed. I’ve done everything as far as my platform goes,” stated Whitney. “I think I have done a good job as Miss Southern. I have done what I set out to do for me, the court and everyone else.”
Before this university beauty’s term is up, she will extend her effort at raising more money to go toward the Up ‘til Dawn program. She will host Showtime at SU on March 2nd in the Cotillion Ballroom. Students who are interested in participating in this event may sign up at the Black College Reunion, this will also be the last day to sign up. There is a fee of $2 for single acts and $5 for group acts. There will be a $3 charge for people who plan on attending this event. She will also host a Letter Writing Part 1 on April 1st where students will be split into groups of 5, generate a mailing lists and they write letters to family and/or friends requesting donations from $5 to $100. The group who has the most address will win a prize. If anyone is interested in being a part of this event send an email to [email protected].
Outside of raising money for her Up ’til Dawn program, she’s also very active in the community. She collects can goods for the SU Feed the Children program where she takes the collected goods to the church.
“I’m getting sad”, admits Miss Southern. “I’m already beginning to miss football season just hanging around. Being Miss Southern has taught me time management, responsibility and regardless to looks or acts, it’s about impact,” she finished.
Her message to the next Miss Southern is “remember that Miss SU is more than a face, it’s a position. Stand by your platform, stay strong and confident. Get a supportive staff. It will make your reign a lot better.”
Sabrina will be graduating from the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs with a degree in Criminal Justice at the end of the semester on May 14th, 2010. She guarantees that she will continue to represent her institution and sing her alma mater post-graduation.
“I want to thank the student body for letting me be their Miss Southern and thank you to my campaign team. At the end I’m still Sabrina and after graduation I will still represent Southern University,” she concluded.