Mass Communications students gained valuable insight on the department and the opportunities that await them after graduation at Mass Communications colloquium.
“The Southern University mass communications department has acquired somewhere near $600,000 on new equipment, open to students in the department,” said Mahmoud Braima, Mass Communications department Chairman.
The new equipment includes cameras, computers, lights, and studio equipment. The department features 30 cameras, lights for camera use, iMac labs, and a new studio camera. The students now have access to HD cameras and a full editing lab.
“Take advantage of all the new equipment, and polish your skills for when you leave this department,” said Darrell Roberson, Television and Broadcast professor.
Due to a partnership with CNN all stories can be downloaded from CNN to create packages for classes. When students have packages for news classes they can use any information distributed through CNN to create their assignments.
“The new equipment and curriculum will be in preparation for the new era,” Braima added.
The current reading room is also under development to become a multimedia room in Stewart Hall. The date of the opening of the multimedia lab is still to be announced.
Mass Communications Professors expressed their enthusiasm for the department improvements.
“When I got here, we had typewriters, and they didn’t work! Just make sure you don’t leave this department without a resume’ tape,” said, Michael Kabel, Television and Broadcast professor. The new labs include iMacs equipped with both Mac OSX and Windows XP operating systems.
All concentrations in mass communications were discussed including; Broadcast, Public Relations, and Print.
Yolanda Campbell, Professor of Public Relations shared, “I have a great love for mass communications but, I have a greater love for PR. We all want to do what we love but, we want to make money too. If you enjoy representing people utilizing broadcast and print you should work in PR. Entry-level PR employees can make six figures.”
Marilyn Goff inspired students to consider News Editorial as their choice of curriculum concentration.
“Newspapers are struggling but, anyone in mass communications who enjoys writing and is a good writer should go into print, said Goff “You can get good internships, enter contests, and get good experiencem.”
Students in News Editorial have choices to work anywhere after graduation due to their polished writing skills.
Lorraine Fuller, Television and Broadcast Professor shared information regarding the graduate program. She stated, “The graduate program at Southern University opens new opportunities in this major. Be encouraged don’t be discouraged. You have chosen a great industry to get involved in.” The students who graduate in broadcast are prepared to succeed at any station they are assigned.
The Southern University department of Mass Communications prepares students for the competitive world of mass media. The Department includes Professors in each concentration; Broadcast, Print, and Public Relations. Students who graduate from the mass communications department will be prepared to compete globally for mass communications positions and internships.
Mass Communications Dept. holds
February 28, 2010