Throughout the course of the football season many New Orleans Saints fans have been labeled as “bandwagon fans.” Who cares? I mean really most of the “bandwagon fans” are from Louisiana and they are like the song says “rooting for the home team.”
I think the people who root for the other teams (Patriots, Vikings, Colts, etc.) are mad because the Saints were doing so well. Come on, give credit where credit is due! They didn’t win Super Bowl XLIV by sure luck. Drew Brees has been to the Pro Bowl four out of nine years that he has been in the NFL. He was the offensive player of the year in 2008 and the MVP in Super Bowl XLIV. His arm is like amazing! Let’s get on to Darren Sharper, can read plays like a (enter choice of expletive)! He had nine interceptions this season alone and 71 tackles. Of those nine interceptions, he ran three of the back for touchdowns. So yeah these boys are talented!
And for every fan, there is a “bandwagon hater.” How many of the people saying “Mayne, eff the Saints they ain’t (expletive)” before this season? Don’t worry I’ll wait (oh, and by the way, I said that in my Katt Williams voice)! Seriously, how many people were like I really can’t stand the Saints … before this season? I’ve heard of people saying “I hate the Steelers” or “I hate Brett Favre’s Wrangler-jean-wearing, Sears-endorsing, interception- throwing … butt.” No one had a chance to say that because our fans were busy wearing paper bags over their heads while the team was called the ‘Aints. But during all of that, weren’t they at the game?
New Orleans Saints fans are amazing! How many people do you know actually go to Detroit Lions games or how about Jacksonville Jaguars games? You don’t see rich people buying suites for those games. But now all of a sudden when people want to support the team, they are called bandwagon fans?
Just because someone doesn’t update their Facebook status with “WHO DAT?!” or “I’m glad I live in LaBreesiana” or take advantage of the fleur de lis special at Effum BodyWorks doesn’t mean they aren’t faithful fans. So let’s embrace these bandwagon fans and let them become a part of the WHO DAT NATION! Why can’t we just let them be a part of the WHO DAT NATION? “The more the merrier,” right?
The wagon hasn’t stopped yet
February 9, 2010