Movies like “Pregnancy Pact” and television shows like “Teen Mom,” “Secret Life of the American Teenager,” “Private Practice” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” along with songs like “Baby Mama” all showcased America’s obsession with teenage pregnancy. How many people do you know rush home on Monday nights at 7 p.m. to see what is going to happen with Amy on “Secret Life” or on Thursday nights to watch “Grey’s Anatomy” or Private Practice” to see what happened to Sloan’s baby or what is going to happen with Maya and her baby.
Even churches are obsessed with teen mothers! Most Southern Baptist churches have the unwed mother announce to the church that she has fornicated (had sex outside of marriage, for those of you who don’t know). However, the father of that unborn child does not have to make any kind of announcement. The unwed mother for the most part is not allowed to usher, sing in the choir or even do anything in the public. Then the unwed mother will stop attending church, causing a domino effect because if one unwed mother sees another unwed mother leave church, then they leave church then we have bunch of unwed mothers out of church, when in reality they are the ones who need to hear the word.
But back to the subject, America is really obsessed with teen moms. When the song, “Baby Mama” sung by Fantasia came out, she griped about not having a song that’s dedicated to them. I mean really, why do baby mamas need a song that glorifies that. In case you didn’t know the lyrics here are a couple of lines:
Cause nowadays it’s like a badge of honor/To be a baby mama
Really now? A badge of honor? Seriously? To be struggling to pay bills, to have to be on WIC or food stamps, or constantly call your “baby daddy” or mother for help with clothes or a babysitter? I didn’t know it was that honorable. Fantasia also sings about the “support check in the mail” not covering the cost of daycare. Is this what we look forward to: not being able to pay bills?
On to the television shows, on “Teen Mom” is probably the most accurate account of baby mamas. Amber is struggling to not rely on her deadbeat dad, while Farrah is too dang busy going on dates to realize that she’s missing out on quality time with her child. Let’s not forget Maci, who is staying for her son, and Catelynn, who gave her baby up for adoption.
“Secret Life of the American Teenager” is great for drama, but I don’t really know how accurate it is. I don’t remember any of that drama going on in high school, but then again I went an all-girls school. It is kind of cliché though, I mean how ironic is it that Amy got pregnant at band camp. I mean we’ve all seen what happens at band camp from the “American Pie” movie franchise.
Let’s not obsess, glorify and accept the fact that there are teen moms. However, make a move to stop women, especially black ones, from the mentality and the badge of honor of being a baby mama. I know a few people who think that “Oh if I have his baby, he will stay.” Because that’s not always the case — things do happen and people do fall out of infatuation, lust and love. Also, stop using the support money to go shopping for your club attire.
I hope I have enlightened someone on this topic of taboo that everyone is afraid to talk about.
America’s obsessed with baby mamas
February 5, 2010