Melancon has served the third Louisiana District since 2005. He has created jobs and has also battled taxes for middle class citizens and small businesses. He also advocates for veterans and affordable health care. Since hurricane Katrina, he has been an advocate for hurricane protection.
“I feel that I am the person who can speak at the house to anyone whether Democrat or Republican,” said Melancon.
“There will always be a need for the less fortunate and I believe that I can help those who are in need. That makes my day and make me proud to be a public server, continued Melancon.
The students, faculty members, and board members were in attendance to hear Melancon’s future plans if elected.
“He was very informative and I like that he has an interest to help the black community. Overall the presentation was good,” said Tiffiany Richard, freshman political science major and native of St. Martinsville.
Melancon also incorporated some “mudslinging” throughout his speech towards David Vitter.
“I have a record for voting for the NAACP 85 percent of the time, David Vitter never voted.I have supported minority owned businesses, David Vitter has never supported. I’ve voted to increase minimum wage and David Vitter has been against it every time, informed Melancon.
Melancon’s platform also involves the support of the stimulus package, higher education reform, and job opportunities.
“We will work on the education budget. We should be discussing the increase of the budget for higher education instead of discussing and wondering if people are going to have jobs,” said Melancon.
“I’m not a perfect person, I don’t intend to be perfect and I don’t know all the answers but I know that Louisiana deserves better,” concluded Melancon.
SGA President candidate, Koi Lomas, was in attendance and expressed her views of the speech.
“I think he is concerned with HBCU’s because during his term as a representative he has always voted for pell grants. That in itself speaks volumes because 90 percent of our student population are dependent on grants and loans, expressed Lomas.