Last week, a commentary about no visitation that was written by a staff member, received a lot of attention, both positive and negative. The article was a satirical piece, meaning it used humor and exaggeration to call attention to an issue.
Reading the article, you’d think it was obvious that it was written in satire but not many people found it humorous.
I always thought the point of satire was to not have to mention that it was a joke but I guess we’ll have to put it in big and bold letters next time. The ones who did catch the sarcasm laughed and agreed with the writer, myself included, but it was met with a lot of criticism and negative attention.
I was appalled at how many people called this young lady out of her name online. I’m not allowed to use those words in this article, but let’s just say a lot of synonyms for the word jezebel were thrown around. You know, it’s one thing to disagree with the article but to name call is absolutely unacceptable.
What’s worse is most of the backlash and name calling came from alumni of Southern University. Yeah, that’s right. Grown adults. I can think of a lot of things that are happening at SU or outside of SU to be mad about, but a commentary article isn’t one of them.
I’ve always said social media is a curse and a blessing. It has really given bullies a platform to say whatever they want, whenever they want, to people they don’t even know. As my favorite youtuber once said “everybody wants to be a Billy Bada** behind the computer screen.”
What kills me was some of the comments from alumni started off with “back when we were at SU…” (insert eyeroll here). My parent, who was an alumnus of SU said there was no such thing as visitation back in the day and the girls literally had to sneak guys in the girl’s dorm. There were a lot of babies being made in college so you knew what was going on, it just wasn’t written about in the student papers. So, let’s not pretend it hasn’t been happening in colleges for centuries.
Now I’m not here to fight anyone’s battles but I’m merely trying to point out the cyber bullying and double standards.
Cyber bullying can be classified as even the slightest remark of disdain on the internet, so trust that these lines have been crossed repeatedly about that one article I mentioned there. Regardless of what lies within the realms of cyberbullying, can we agree that fully grown adults definitely cyberbullied a college student?
And yes, I think there’s a double standard to point out. Let us evaluate the situation. If it was a guy who wrote the satiric article, making jokes about no visitation and sex, sure, it would’ve been met with the same attention and backlash. but I highly doubt it would’ve resulted in people calling the guy everything but a child of God.
I guess girls are not supposed to write, think, reference, or even talk about sex otherwise, she’d be labeled a harlot, but that’s another commentary for another week.
Everybody’s talking, well typing
September 20, 2017
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