e moment you’ve been waiting for has finally come.
Some of you know exactly what you want to do, your career plan is set and you’re ready to make some money moves.
Some of you heard of the fine girls at Southern and you want to come see for yourself.
Or maybe you’re like me, you never heard of the school before.
Either way, we’ll all be thrown into the same boat and somehow expected to make it out after 4 years (or 6, I’m not one to judge).
College offers a great experience and it’s one that goes so fast.
Before you know it, you’ll be walking across a stage to get a piece of paper that has cost you sleepless nights, arguments with professors or even sacrificing your summer breaks.
So how exactly does one get through college? To be honest, there is no manual to it. It’s truly a personal journey that you will have to experience for yourself. And I don’t want to repeat the same old mottos “Work hard from the first year”, or “Keep that GPA up”.
You must have heard enough of that from your parents and teachers, and they are important. So, to give you a different perspective, I got a few anonymous words of what some college students would like incoming freshmen to know:
“There will ALWAYS be someone better”.
Your roommate could be the 4.0 GPA whizz who is always playing videos but still gets straight A’s while you struggle to stay in your classes.
You will see the finest girls on this campus: hair and nails done, the most perfect skin complexion, just short of perfection. You’ll feel compelled to beat your face up every day and throw all your money on shopping, just to reach that level.
You may have been the star athlete at your high school, but coming into college there is always someone who will run faster, jump higher, serve harder and have better free throws.
Basically, everywhere you turn, you will see someone who seems to be looking or doing something 10 times better than you.
So, learn to love everything about yourself and do not compare. Appreciate the things you admire in other people and throw compliments like confetti.
“Stay woke, these men are creeping”.
This one came out a lot, so females, listen up! Yes, you are gorgeous and perfect in every way, and coming into college, all these males will let you know.
Stay alert. Not every man has the best intentions, and not every male needs to be in your life.
You are not entitled to respond to every catcall, remark, or whistle.
Neither are you obligated to hand out your number to anyone who asks. Be ready for the backlash though, they’ll tell you that you’re too self-righteous (as if that’s a bad thing).
“Take care of yourself”.
College is a point when you will explore yourself mentally, emotionally, and sexually. Do not hesitate to get treated if you’re not feeling well.
Don’t cancel that hospital appointment because your parent isn’t there to pester you about going.
If you feel overwhelmed, make a trip to the school counseling center.
If you do decide to be sexually active on campus, always use protection. Nothing is worth risking your future for, not even sex. Take the initiative for your health as often as you can.
“The opportunities here are endless.”
Okay, this one sounds cliché. But it’s still very true.
I’m a firm believer that academics aren’t for everyone, and that’s the beauty of college. You can prosper here even when you aren’t doing so great in class.
There are many routes for you to explore and discover where you fit in. There are events for you to showcase your freestyle rap, singing, dancing or even art. SGA is made for those who are oriented towards leadership and there are countless many student organizations to choose from.
So many people came into college thinking that they were headed in a certain career path, that completely changed along the way.
Learn to be flexible and trust the process; you’ll be amazed by where life will lead you.
Listen Up: Advice to Incoming Freshmen
November 7, 2017