Midterms are finally over but as a student it’s really hard to feel relaxed. You spent a week and a half, maybe longer, studying for these difficult tests only for you to barely pass them.
Did your midterm not go as planned? Just can’t seem to relax the week after because you’re checking your banner periodically to see your midterm grade?
Do you wish you could just jump back in time to where you can redo that test and erase that disappointing grade?
It’s okay because we all do. It comes with the stress of being a college student. You’re NOT alone.
Firstly, if you’re upset at failing a midterm just take a deep breath and keep in mind that one test does not define you as a student nor does it define how smart you are.
The test is simply designed to see where you are in that particular subject and measure your progress.
Secondly, please avoid the annoying people who love to ask how you did on the midterm.
When a student knows they didn’t do well on the midterm the last thing they want to do is talk about it to anyone besides a teacher. They will not bring up the topic of the midterms, but there always seems to be that one nosey student who asks anyway and after you awkwardly tell them your failing, grade they decide to be a little butt hole and say, “I really thought I did horrible but I got a 90! Isn’t that great?”
Yeah, please stay away from these people.
They are using you as a pedestal to make themselves feel even better about doing better than you.
Having that conversation will only lower your self-esteem. If you happen to find yourself in a conversation about midterms, just change the subject and if that doesn’t work just, simply tell them you don’t want to talk about it.
Your test grade is your business and you’re not obligated to share it with anyone.
Third, pay your professor a visit.
See where you went wrong on the test and strategize a new plan for rest of the semester.
Midterms do count as a grade but if you happen to knock out every homework assignment, quiz, and pass finals, then that failing midterm grade will begin to fade in the background.
There are lots of people every year who bomb the midterm but end up passing the class with flying colors.
Last but not least, remember it’s now crunch time.
So, you failed the midterm. You’re allowed to be bummed about it but the more time you spend feeling sorry for yourself, the more time you’ll waste.
Now is the time to start taking the class a little more seriously. Pay more attention in class, meet with your professors, hire tutors, spend extra time studying the material, etc.
Do what you have to do, just don’t let it discourage you.
Continue to work hard and you’ll easily turn this semester around!
Taking the Midterm L: Here’s how to Bounce Back
November 7, 2017