The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
— the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
I’m pretty sure everyone can relate to this. We all hear person after person complaining about something that is going on at Southern. Whether it is about parking, financial aid, unfair teachers, books not being available, or classes being cancelled. Now here’s where this editorial kicks in. What is being done about it? No, I don’t mean “what is the faculty doing about it,” I mean what are YOU the students doing about it? “….”
I’m sorry, what was that? Oh, nothing. I did hear correctly, then.
Oh, you don’t get what I’m trying to say? Let me reiterate. Let’s say that there is a problem that you noticed. A week goes by, and the problem not only persists, but it is making life incredibly difficult for you, but you won’t say anything about it. How does the problem get solve? It doesn’t.
Luckily, The Southern Digest, who is not responsible for my opinion on this subject, has a forum for students to be heard called Speakout. You don’t know what Speakout is? Well, let me tell ya’! Speakout is a part of the Digest where a member of the Digest staff goes around the campus asking students to voice their opinions on subjects that affect their life on the campus. It is a way for students to directly express the way they feel about what is happening on campus and the world around them with a provided audience in the student body and everyone else who receives a copy of the paper. As a result, the powers that be are made aware and are obligated to at least address them.
“Well, if the speakout is there, what’s the problem?” you ask. In theory, it should take about 10 minutes to do. But today it was about an hour or two. This is where the annoyance starts. “Why,” you ask, “did a 10-minute task take over an hour?” Well, for one, we could barely get anyone to do it. Today’s’ excuses includes but is not limited to: “I have an appointment, hair, I might get in trouble, and my favorite “What’s Speakout?” It only takes two minutes per person. We get quick info, a quote (not an essay), and a headshot. We can do this while you’re walking if we have to.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not angry. If you don’t want to do it, that is a very valid excuse. Just say I don’t want to. What does annoy me though, is when a student has a very good outlook on something and is afraid to have it expressed in the paper. That really does disappoint me, when a person who seems like they have what it takes to be a leader of tomorrow, is afraid to voice their opinion on a college newspaper, in fear of someone noticing they forgot to wear their contacts. So why all the big fuss over a little column in a college newspaper? Simple, this is still a reflection of you. No matter what race, sex or clique you represent you are represented by the university’s image. The silence you show in the paper, will speak volumes for you in the future to come.
Don’t be afraid to speak your mind
August 24, 2009