Career Services has managed to secure 83 companies for Southern’s’ annual Fall Career Fair Wednesday at the F.G. Clark Activity Center, despite the current economic situation of Louisiana, and recent, state-imposed budget cuts.
According to Tamara Mont-gomery, interim director of Ca-reer Services, her department has tried many new approaches of securing the various companies who will be in attendance of the annual event.
“We are in somewhat of a recession,” said Montgomery, “but we are not going to let the economy stop us from doing our job.”
Though bringing in reputable companies is vital for any career fair, Montgomery stressed the importance of making the stu-dent body knowledgeable of the career fair and the number of other programs Career Services offers.
“We actually went to the dormitories, registering students at their dorms,” she said. “We have been in the cafeteria eating lunch with the students, passing out fliers; not necessarily talking to them about career day, but talking to them about their career paths, about life and some of the things that make them happy because we want them to be happy.”
Through programs such as “Jaguar Preview,” a freshman forum, and the department of Academic and Student Affairs’ “Living Learning Communities,” Career Services has been able to reach out to the students early on, explaining their departmental role and the various programs in which those students may pursue; including resume building, professional development [co-op 201], how to perform in a behavioral based interview and jobs4jags, a university job outreach program.
“Career day is not just for one day,” explained Montgomery, “Career services is a on-going effort, a yearly program where we try to provide all of these services to our students and let them know the importance of dressing for success and how you conduct yourself in an interview; we want to provide all of these services all the time, not just for career day.”
Duane Driggs, sophomore electrical engineering major from Trinidad and Tobago, said “It shows appreciation for Southern and also gives me encouragement to stay in school,” when speaking of the career fair.
After career day, the department plans to “…be out in the campus community in forming the students that it is not over.” “That was just one day,” said Montgomery. “Come by our office, the doors are always open, we want to help those who want to be helped.”
“The responsibility of this entire office is to make sure the students are prepared and I try to be a great leader and lead by example to ensure we meet the needs of our students,” said Montgomery, “Because we want to help our students and we believe in our students.
Freshman volunteer and mechanical engineering major from New Orleans, Eric Bentley said, “Everyone should be prepared.” “There is no excuse for not being prepared, they [Career Services] help you with everything you need, all you have to do is ask.”
For more information on Career Services and the programs they offer, contact the office at 771.2200. In order to pre-register for the upcoming career fair, visit Jobs4Jags at
Career Fair still strong
September 14, 2009