Amidst tears and cheers, several would-be student leaders emerged from the 2009 Student Government Association run-off elections as a loser—but only on paper.
Ronisha Johnson, a junior social work major from Baton Rouge is fine.
Johnson, who was vying for the Association for Women Students, surrounded by her campaign committee and friends, was dry-eyed and determined to continue her involvement in the organization, with the blessing of president-elect Nona Stewart, a junior mass communications major from New Orleans.
“If the president will have me; I lost last year, and worked diligently within AWS, so there’s no reason I should not be active next year. ” said Johnson.
The election in question was her lost the vice-presidency of AWS to Brandy Dunn.
“It’s something I’m passionate about, so win, lose or draw, the students have decided. I hope she (Stewart) can work hard, maybe I can give her a few ideas, if not, oh well,” she finished jokingly.
Currently, Johnson is the executive assistant to current AWS president Aleice Allen.
After falling 570 votes short to rival Stanley White for the presidency of SGA, outgoing vice-president Phillip Wallace had a positive attitude after the hallway outside of the Cotillion Ballroom.
“Of course, of course,” said Wallace, when asked if he would remain active within the organization.
“The campaign that we ran was always about students first, and I’ll be more than happy to work with the administration, in whatever capacity it is, and whatever the need me to do. It’s always been about the university.”
Miss Southern runner-up, junior chemistry major DeAnna Blue of Monroe tearfully said she’d strive to be active within both SGA and the royal court.
“If the current Miss Southern, administration will allow me to, yes I will,” she said. While understandably disappointed, Blue put on a brave face and said she would continue her volunteerism and involvement around campus.
On the other side of the spectrum, the newly elected student representatives reconvened in the Cotillion Ballroom of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union to receive further instruction, and take their recent victories in.
Sabrina Whitney, Miss Southern-elect, said she was, “ecstatic” to have won the crown.
“I’ve been praying and my dreams have come true, it feels awesome to become Miss Southern University,” said the junior criminal justice major from Tallulah. “My plans are to get the students more involved and take Miss Southern to a whole ‘nother level. I’m here to let them know that Miss Southern University is a position, not just a title.”
Election results bring tears, positive attitudes
April 16, 2009