One day in one of my classes, I remember a female student comment during a discussion on the state of blacks in America that she was tired of black men and the awful things they do to black women.
I simply replied, “Y’all dumb for letting it happen.”
Not to over generalize, but there are black men who are wrong in the way they treat women and it is despicable in every way. Though on the other hand, why do black women allow this treatment to go on?
For example, why do sistas end up getting knocked up by a guy who wasn’t worth much to begin with, then later get surprised when he cowardly leaves her and the child alone to fend for themselves?
I have nothing against single mothers –hell, I was raised by one—but it shouldn’t be the status quo of the black family?
Think about it, state Representative John LaBruzzo wouldn’t have had to try to push the legislation for sterilization of women on welfare if there weren’t so many single mothers taking away what little money I make out my check in the first place. If sistas stopped getting knocked up by brothas who aren’t about anything life would be a lot better for our race.
What makes it worst is that some sistas know what it’s like to live in a single mother household and repeat the same mistake because there is nothing cool about a 30-year-old grandmother.
Word to my sistas, having a baby by a brotha who just uses you as a semen depositor or “buss-it-baby” isn’t going to transform him into Cliff Huxtable.
Don’t partake in a relationship with any man who, from the beginning, doesn’t respect you as the black queen you are.
On Southern’s campus, I see supposedly grown and educated sistas turn into giggly elementary children if a brotha says classic lines like “What I gotta do to hit” or “you lookin’ fine lil’ mama.”
The problem is that for some reasons, sistas on campus rather look for: the brotha with the inability to hold a simple conversation and more worried about keeping up with the latest “Hip-Hop” style than going to class instead of the brotha handling his business and talking with respect .
When are black women going to say enough is enough?!
When will my sistas demand respect of their body as well as their mind from a brotha?
It’s a shame to have seen sistas backstage at the homecoming concert last week wanting nothing more than to just be a sexual object to some of the performers.
To my sistas out there: you are more than what is between your legs and what’s across your chest and its time to act like it.
In a year that is supposed to be “full of changes,” when are beautiful black queens going to take a stand against the objectification of themselves?
Black women: Time to take a stand
October 16, 2008