Alright, anyone that knows me knows how I feel about the U.S. government. My belief is that the government is BS and for numerous justifiable reasons, I don’t trust it.
Though I do exercise my right to vote every election, it’s normally just to have that feeling of being an “American.”
So for my first time voting for a president, I voted for Barack Obama for these reasons:
1. I’d rather not vote Republican.
2. While Ralph Nader (Independent) and Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) were the better candidates, neither had a chance in hell of winning.
3. I didn’t feel like getting attacked by black first-time voters (some as old as 70) for questioning Obama’s candidacy.
When I became of age to vote, my mother always told me to vote for the “lesser of two evils” and while I always replied “It’s still evil,” it always seemed to me that she had a “just do it just because” idea of the political process.
So with that off my chest, while I was proud that Barack Obama made history as the first black president, I have a question that for a while has lingered in the back of my mind.
“What will he do as the first “black president?”
I remember Tavis Smiley saying during his Talented Tenth Tour that “To lead black people is to show love for them” and from what I’ve seen, he hasn’t done anything to serve his people.
While I commend him for his call to action against things that we do to hold back our race such as absent fathers, economic strains, and plain “ole” racism, he hasn’t done anything or even has planned as president to help destroy the systematic racism that occurs throughout our country.
Then there was the whole Jeremiah Wright issue—which I agree with everything the man said—shows how much of a politician Obama is.
Think about it, how can you go to a church for over 20 years and just deny it for white votes? While many may or may not agree with it, what he did was a political move.
Just because Obama is in office doesn’t mean the fight is over against injustice for all minorities, and—yes black people—that includes gays and lesbians also.
Like Smiley said, “Just because Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer ever means that we can easily get in country clubs.”
I am very proud of what Obama has done but he’s just a politician and nothing more.
He is not a savior.
Obama is neither MLK or God; he’s a politician
November 11, 2008