Recently The Southern Digest became the target of insults and slander for an article that was written in “opinion” by Ms. Jessica Sarpy.
It amazes me that so many educated individuals would return to such primitive behavior.
Yes, I said primitive and my Twitter name is @RengranAiShiMao for those who have found what I’ve already said confusing or disrespectful.
I have no intention of defending or persecuting Ms. Sarpy, however, I do want some of my fellow Jaguars to be more mature and realistic about life.
Mr. Willie McCorkle III is the SGA president a position that on a global scale doesn’t matter.
Now keep in mind, I’m speaking globally. However, Mr. McCorkle is one of the most important students on campus here at Southern University.
Criticism is a part of the life, from start to finish.
If someone said that you were an ugly baby, that’s his or her opinion.
I’m sure after reading this someone is going to call me fat.
That is a true statement I’m obese and I’m comfortable with it.
It’s something that I have accepted and living has made me understand that everyone is not going to see things the way I do.
That is called criticism.
There is truthfully nothing that anyone can do about criticism.
You can beat the person up, you can say equal or more hurtful things back.
But, at the end of it all there will be other people who will share their opinion with you, about you or someone else.
I ask these questions of the student body:
When you are working your executive job and your boss or a client tells you they don’t like your performance, are you going to sit and slander them on the web?
Or are you going to accept what they say and work harder?
If they are not telling the truth, will you outline your work accomplishments to show them that what they are saying is untrue?
Now before you answer this think ahead when you are in your position.
Do you value your job and reputation?
If you are an American, criticism should be something that you take and brush off your shoulder.
Now that is if it’s about you.
Any, political position is going to always be criticized.
For example, a Turlock woman went on a rant about this year’s voting results. She was so upset that she not only called the president the “N-word” she also voiced the opinion in quote “Maybe he will get assassinated this term..!!” So who’s going to the California to beat her up and can I catch a ride?
I mean, is this situation different now?
You mean to tell me you’re going to allow her to say such things about your nations president and walk freely and unscathed by the great students of Southern University?
See how you truly cannot control what other people say?
If at any point what Ms. Sarpy said was untrue and there is proof, SHOW IT!
It’s as simple as responding with the use of the education you should be getting, rather than ranting on like a middle school kid who just got a cellphone.
All I am saying is, stop being so sensitive and childish about things you see that you don’t agree with.
Get over it, take your thumb out of your mouth and accept that someone is going to see things differently.
Mr. Willie McCorkle III is a grown man. I’ll assume he would be glad for the many students who have decided to represent him with the shrewd comments to allow him, your SGA president to handle it himself.
Like an actual adult, in college, trying to graduate and get a degree.
Let’s be adults, shall we
December 2, 2012