Every year as Halloween rolls around, ladies are faced with the question of what to dress up as.
Sadly, sometimes it seems like our options are limited to “Sexy [insert animal]” or “Sexy [insert career].”
Being sexy is certainly not a bad thing, but with terms like “legitimate rape” and “victim blaming” rolling around I’d rethink your costume choice.
Unfortunately, we are living in a society that says if we are not covered in clothing that reaches down to our ankles then we are “asking for it.”
So again, maybe we should rethink the sexy role.
Store bought costumes in today’s market are not only uncreative, they are unoriginal.
How many other people are going to buy that same sexy nurse costume?
I’d imagine plenty.
It starts with a choice.
If you try on a costume and feel your posterior hanging out then please, for your sake, put it back on the rack. You’re not making yourself look sexy but more like a mentally afflicted woman of the night.
I always thought dressing up for Halloween was for fun but nowadays it seems to be more about how much cleavage you can expose rather than how creative, interesting or funny your costume is.
Instead of being a sexy nurse why not trying to be a regular nurse?
However, it is a woman’s choice as to how she presents herself.
If a young lady wants to go out wearing nothing but body paint and call herself a “work of art” then it is her business.
We can’t just blame it all on society and agree that this is just how things are these days.
Some might argue that just because a woman decides to dress half-naked or some form of skimpy then she is asking to be raped.
People may say things like “Did you see what she was wearing? She got what she deserved.”
U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, R-Missouri, said, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”
I guess Todd Akin believes that women have some kind of ninja army built directly into their vaginas and if a rapist manages to get a woman pregnant then she should have to keep her brand new rape baby.
Some parts of society blame the victim more than the rapist.
Victim blaming is when the victim of a crime, such as rape or any type of abuse, are held entirely or partially responsible for the transgressions committed against them regardless of whether the victim actually had any responsibility for the incident. People familiar with victimology are much less likely to see the victim as responsible.
Knowledge about previous a relationship between victim and perpetrator increases perceptions of victim blame for rape, but not for robbery.
We live in a republican state and that means if this tragedy actually manages to happen to you then you had it coming.
Be safe and aware this Halloween.
If you appear bare, why wear
December 2, 2012