What’s dating in the 21st century like? Love in today’s time is different for every person. Being in and finding a relationship is very easy for some, and for others, it’s very challenging. The process of finding “the one” can make relationships seem difficult. Social media is playing a major part in the way many view relationships.
With social media being at the tip of our fingers, online dating has become popular. Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, etc. have created ways for us to meet one another online. You can get to know someone without having to meet them in person, which in some ways has made dating seem easier for some. However, for others, this has made relationships seem more “casual” in their eyes, helping make hookups the new norm.
Everyday hookups are starting to be more common. This has led to the vast majority starting to prefer casual encounters with no strings attached. The idea of being able to get with someone whenever you like, but not having any real commitment to them has become exciting. This allows people to talk to as many people as they’d like because, technically, they’d still be “single.” This is becoming the preference that takes away from the idea of committed relationships. Due to committed relationships becoming rare, the idea of having one has become very detrimental to people like me who desire to be in genuine relationships.
Wanting a relationship in 2023 can go one of two ways: you will either find someone you like, and the two of you decide to be a couple, or you’ll be left with the ones who prefer to keep it casual. If more men preferred real commitment, it would take away a plethora of issues. I would much rather spend time with one person I love being around rather than being with multiple boys who I know will waste my time. Furthermore, being on a college campus has done everything but make the dating process simpler. Relationships nowadays can be a hit or miss.
So, when one is asked what dating in the 21st century is like, the answer to this question can be classified as many things depending on what you’re looking for. For me, dating in the 21st century would be classified as challenging. However, it’ll all be worthwhile when I find the one that’s for me. With everyone having different dating preferences, the answer will always vary. There are always going to be contrasting crowds as the revolving door of love spins and people search to find whatever they’re looking for.
What’s Love Got to do with it: Swiping Left on 21st-Century Dating
February 14, 2023
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