All over the internet are videos of emotionally-scorn women destroying video gaming systems because of the fact their men play these games tirelessly. Time and time again, I’ve heard that women don’t like when a man sit around and play video games. The question I pose is why? I find that when my man plays his video games, I have time to do what I need to for myself. Of course, you’re not going to be able to make him do everything you want him to. He’s not going to lay next to you and watch Scandal every Thursday night, nor is he going to deny himself man-time either. Losing your man to video games can be a good thing, as long as it’s not an addiction. What is an addiction you ask? When responsibilities aren’t being taken care of (and you’re not included in these responsibilities). Needless to say if your guy plays his video game, utilizing ALL of his free time, then that’s an obvious problem. I know many young ladies are feeling it now. With the release of Grand Theft Auto 5 and the upcoming releases of Black Ops: Ghost, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and Killer Instinct, along with the releases of the new gaming systems Playstation 4 and XBox One, will take a lot of the “beau time” away. Instead of breaking up the system of games (which will most likely be bad for you, he may need another game, but nine times out of 10, you’ll have to get another beau, another system), embrace it. A guy likes a female that can share his interests. I know many of you have heard this before, but I’m reiterating because I’ve found it works. If you feel like he’s spending too much time with the game and not enough with you, make a shift. For instance: my man went out and bought Grand Theft Auto 5. He’s been stuck to the screen with that game. What do I do when he’s like that? I work, I write, I spend time to myself. When I’m not spending time to myself, I participate. I don’t hop on the game with him (well sometimes I do), but I watch him play and I treat it as interactive television. Women make men do many things that they have no wants or interest in doing all the time. These unspoken rules don’t just apply with a relationship, it applies in dating situations as well. Many women would have better “situations” if the treated it as a two-way street. Obviously if he isn’t doing the same, it shouldn’t be a “situation” in the first place. I know some of you will read this and say to yourself “It has to be all about me”. Sure, all about you if you want to be alone. You want to get him off the game, change it up and spice it up. If you want him off, you have to get creative and I don’t mean anything off the wall, just something different. He needs a reason ;-). Being a clingy and controlling woman is bad for business when it comes to dealing with guys. Although I like the time my man and I spend together, I like my “me time” as well, and I definitely rather him to sit at home on his game instead of running around in the streets. Questions, comments? Email [email protected]
Losing Your Cuffing Time to the Games of the Season
November 7, 2013