On Nov. 26, theSouthern University System Board of Supervisors unanimously elected former alumand SU employee Johnny G. Anderson as its chairman.
Anderson — whois the latest addition to the Board — was appointed by former LouisianaGovernor Mike Foster and served as its first voting student member while he waspresident of the SU Student Government Association. He is currently theassistant chief of staff for Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco.
“Under myleadership the Board will employ an ‘open door policy.'” he said. “I think thatfaculty members will see that the Board will have a higher level of respect forthem. I think that they will see us truly try to make a difference and providequality faculty members while we root out those on all levels who don’t haveSouthern in their best interests.”
A hot topicthat Anderson has attacked is athletics. He is especially concerned about SUAthletic Director Floyd A. Kerr and head football coach Pete Richardson.Anderson said that although Kerr’s contract is up next summer and changes areneeded, he would not make hasty decisions.
“I think thatin the athletic department, some strides have been made, but we need leadershipthat can certainly bring the coaches together and form a unified front,” hesaid. “We need to address serious mandates in reference to gender equity andother issues. We need to bring together a sense of unity to a department thatso desperately needs it, not only for them, but ultimately for our studentathletes.”
Anderson saidthat a review of Kerr’s performance would be crucial in deciding if there wouldbe a contract renewal.
“I haven’t seenor perhaps I haven’t been close enough to the resources to determine what hehas accomplished as opposed to what he has done when he first came on TheBluff,” he said. “Also, I want to look to see if those accomplishments shouldmerit continuation. And if they don’t, I will be the first one to suggestotherwise.”
As far asRichardson is concerned, Anderson said that he did not want to see the coachleave, but he has to look at every option.
“I’d love tosee us maintain Coach Richardson. And even after this weekend, I think that thefans love him,” he said. “Hopefully we can work something out. I think thatafter speaking with fans this Bayou Classic weekend, I think that we have tocome to some sort of agreement. But as I stated in the Nov. 26 board meeting, Idon’t want the media to negotiate this contract.”
With the changingof Board members in the upcoming months, Anderson addressed the possibility ofcertain administrators and faculty being removed.
He said thatyears would have to pass in order for Southern to successfully undergo apositive change and that his tenure as chairman would just initiate change, butif needed, he would not mind taking the initiative to starting the process.
“If they(administrators) can live within the expectations and requirements of theBoard, they won’t be affected. But, you won’t see the Board taking a back seatand I think that if a person can live within those parameters, they will dowell,” he said. “But if they can’t live within them, then they will not do welland it doesn’t matter what administrator that is. The board makes, decides andmandates policies, rules and regulations and they should be followed. It’s notincumbent upon an administrator to selectively decide which ones he or she willadminister.”
Anderson saidthat he has heard from other administrators and personnel that he appears tohave an agenda to remove certain personnel, but he said that some of the rumorsare perpetuated by some of those on “the inside.”
“My agenda isto make Southern the premier university it needs to be and if you don’t meanwell for Southern, then well, you should be fearful.”