Freshmen candidates for Student Government Association positions were announced last Thursday. Thirty-one students qualified to run in the elections, slated for next week.
Freshmen will choose: a class president, class vice president, Miss Freshman and class senators.
SGA President Arthur Monroe met with all of the freshmen candidates running for class president and gave them words of encouragement.
“We are all very excited about freshman elections, and I just want to wish the freshmen good luck and give them a little encouragement,” Monroe said.
This year changes in voting locations have been made. All freshmen whose last names begin with A-J and live in the following dormitories will vote on the first floor of Dunn Hall: Boley Hall, Octavia Clark Hall, Moore Hall, Shade Hall, Carroll Hall, Jones Hall, Satterwhite Hall and Totty Hall. Names K-Z will vote in the Blue and Gold Room in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. All freshmen who live in the following dormitories and off-campus students will also vote in the Blue and Gold Room in the union: Bethune Hall, Grandison Clark Hall, Washington Hall, Bradford Hall, Reed Hall, and White Hall. Students will be able to vote Monday, Sept. 13, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the designated locations. Election run-offs will be held Wednesday, Sept. 15.
SGA adviser Russell Frazier is optimistic about the location changes.
“Voting percentages in the past have been low, I speculate that we will have better voter turnout by taking the polls to the students,” Fraizer said.