As Southern University studentsreturned to campus this week, changes for departments and organizations were inthe air. The Student Government Association is one of such entities.
In the 2004 spring semester whenSGA President Arthur Monroe was elected student government president he assuredthe study body of his plans in SGA. He wanted to incorporate more community andstudent organized programming, a freshman orientation program, a 1-800 numberto make calling the campus more accessible for out-of-state students andparents, update the university website more frequently, increase campusbeautification, organize a student- ran television and radio show, incorporatea SU police action committee, improve the SU identification card buying powerin the city, and provide better student health center hours.
”We are going to address issues with ARAMARK and the Bank Onesystem,” Monroe said. “We worked on a deal to try out with work study studentsto see where their work study checks go straight to an account or goes to a paycard. So we’re trying to work out a direct deposit system.”
He also placed his opponent inthe election Jason Hughes, who received 859 votes as opposed to Monroe’s 937,as the chief of staff over his cabinet. However, as of Tuesday, August 24,Hughes resigned from his position.
“Initially, my decision to leavethe executive cabinet was very difficult. I had the privilege of working withso many dynamic individuals on a daily basis,” Hughes said in a writtenstatement. “However, following anextensive conversation with President Monroe, I ultimately felt that it wouldbe beneficial to his administration if I stepped aside. Nonetheless, I will continueto work with SGA in a capacity where I will be more effective to the studentbody.” Hughes said he wishes Monroe the best of luck and will be happy torender any assistance to him in the future. Monroe said the resignation wassomething unexpected to him.
“It was something I wasn’t readyfor. We were working through a lot of our communication problems,” Monroe said.
Hughes will be running forsenior class senator.
He has been replaced by KelleeCraig, a former worker in student government at Florida A&M University.Along with the departure of Hughes, Chanel Lemelle was recently relieved of herposition as activities coordinator.
“Personally, Arthur is a greatguy with a big heart,” Lemelle said. “He is truly a people person that hasideas that sound great when running for presidency. However, this strong lackof leadership skills, communication with his cabinet members, and disregard forfriendship just may very well be the driving force to an unsuccessful year,”Lemelle said.
“Unlike the freshman class of2001 Arthur still has not matured into a young man that can run and lead acampus into the future. This fact is evident from the recent firing ofpractically his entire cabinet, which includes myself after four years ofworking with the student government association as activities coordinator andresignation of chief of staff Jason Hughes,” Lemelle said.
“Despite the downward spiral theSGA is currently in the year is still not a loss. If we the student body becomeinvolved and hold our elected and appointed officials accountable for decisionsthen we can still have a productive year.” Lemelle has yet to be replaced,though there are currently two students acting as the activities coordinator.
Despite the surfaced frictionbetween former office workers, Monroe feels relations with SGA are beautiful.
“We had our rocky times, butwe’ve handled everything,” he said. “The SGA, Mens Fed, AWS (Association forWomen Students) are all rolling together these days. I owe that all to ChanelLemelle, Jasmine McKnight and Jason Dogan who helped us plan our executiveretreat, which was held in New Orleans. Since then everything has been moving.”
Other changes include thelocation of the SGA president’s office. What was once the SGA presidents officeis the now the office of Miss Southern. “Enitra Jones will be conducting Up’Til Dawn,” Monroe said. “We felt it would be necessary to give her her ownspace in which to operate her business.”
The conference room is now theoffice for the SGA president.
According to Russell Frazier,SGA Adviser, students have a lot to look forward to this semester.
– More community and studentorganized programming
– Freshman Orientation
1-800-number to make calling thecampus more accessible for out of state student.
– Update the university websitemore frequently
– Increase campus beautification
– Organize a student rantelevision and radio show
Incorporate a student rantelevision and radio show
– Improve the SU identificationcard buying power in the city
– Provide better heath centerhours