Box Score
LORMAN, Miss. — Before a crowd of32,151 at Jack Spinks Stadium, the second half comeback performances ofSouthern University senior quarterback Thomas Ricks and junior running backSteel Adams in the Jaguars’ 23-20 victory over Alcorn State Saturday couldpossibly be pinned as “The Family Show.”
Although the Jags (6-2 overall, 5-0Southwestern Athletic Conference) had not scored a touchdown in the firstquarter, Ricks and Adams — who are also first cousins — accounted for 250 yardsof the game’s total offense. In the second half alone, they garnered 198 of the210 total yards that Southern picked up in the second half to avenge twoprevious down to the wire losses to the Braves (4-3, 2-2 SWAC).
“They jumped on us early in the gameand we took what they had to give us in the end but came out on top,” Rickssaid. “It feels good to come here and beat them. The payback is great.”
Ricks’ 2-yard rushing touchdown latein the third quarter started a scoring spurt that resulted in 111 rushing yardswhile he completed 12 of 26 passes for 55 yards. He was responsible for six ofthe seven plays that led to the Jags’ game winning touchdown — a 4-yard rushthat was chanced on fourth down and goal with 10:58 left on the clock.
“Coming to Alcorn State is reallyabout wanting to win. You have to want to win when you play here,” Ricks said.”You never want to start off so slowly, but I was glad to be able to come upbig in the end.”
Ricks’ slow start after being sackedon the first offensive play of the game set a grim tone for the Jags in thefirst half. Southern had seven chances to convert on third down and failed onevery one and were hit with five penalties total of 97 yards.
Sophomore kicker Brett Ackley wasthe Jaguars’ lone silver lining. He kicked two field goals for a total of 68yards for their only score going into halftime.
“I had told them that if they everwere in a position to need me that I would be there,” Ackley said. “They(Alcorn State) couldn’t score on every drive and I had to step up.”
Ackley’s 37-yard field goal in thebeginning of the third quarter put the Jags within one point.
Though Jags defensive back AhmadTrueado got his conference leading fifth interception early in the firstquarter, Alcorn State senior quarterback Donald Carrie still managed tocomplete a season’s best 21 of 32 passes and two touchdowns for 314 yards andthe Braves’ defense held the Jags to just 61 rushing yards.
The last time Southern failed to getinto the end zone in the first two quarters was October 12, 2002 when MississippiValley held them to six points in the Jags’ 19-16 win.
“It was just a very difficult gameto lose especially when we had an opportunity to win this game,” said Braveshead coach Johnny Thomas. “We played good enough to beat Southern but we knewthat coming into the game they had a chip on their shoulder and they tookadvantage of some missed opportunities.”
Before Saturday’s game, the Jaguars’junior wide receiver James Vernon led the conference in receptions, providing areliable scoring outlet for Ricks after senior rusher Gerald Holmes was injuredearlier in the season. But after Vernon sustained a knee injury early in thethird quarter, Jags offensive coordinator David Oliver was left wondering howhis offense could prevail and out of the backfield came Adams.
In his first start as a Southernrunning back, Adams got a season and career-best six rushes for 139 yards. Hisperformance earned him SWAC Co-Newcomer of the Week honors.
“I knew how important this win wasfor them,” Adams said. “I knew that they needed me and having the confidence ofmy quarterback — who is also my cousin — made it easy for me to go out thereand do what I needed to do.”
Now that the road trips are over forthe Jags, the team will focus on Homecoming against Texas College next Saturdaybefore going into its first bye week.