The College Republicans of Southern University,which came into existence in 2002, are here to open up community links throughpoliticians and the students so they can get a better grasp of the politicalarena.
They plan to spread the party platform, which islow taxes, efficient government and self reliance.
Maurice Wesley, The College Republicans presidentsaid he has been a registered republican since the age of 18.
“I’ve agreed with the party views since I was15,”he said.
“I examined my life and realized that if I wantedto make it out of the situation I was in I had to do it myself. The republicanplatform stresses relying on your talents and determination to get you where youwant to be in life.”
Wesley said people receive the fact that he is arepublican in different ways.
“In the south you get mixed views,” he said. “Most of my peers respect me cause I’mtaking a stand and doing something.
Others ask why and I tell them I believe in lowtaxes, efficient government and I believe in making it on my own talents. Butit’s pretty much respect.”
Wesley is a strict believer in working for what youwant.
“I believe that what the average American makes,most of that money should be put back into their pockets. The Republicansbelieve in low taxes and efficient government. I believe in surviving off yourown merits.”
Wesley feels that The College Republicans, as anorganization was long overdue.
”Students need to hear both sides,” he said. “Students needto know there are African American conservatives along with African Americanliberals.”
Quinton Myers, The College Republicans vicepresident, feels that the organization brings a lot to the campus of SouthernUniversity.
“We make it a democracy,” Myers said. “SouthernUniversity is usually a predominately democratic school. We bring variety tothe university.”
As the president of The College Republicans Wesleyhas many ideas in store for the organization.
“I’m in communication with David Vitter, candidatefor U.S. senator, for his campaign. I plan on bringing some business speakersfrom across the nation for motivational speaking purposes. I’m also helpingwith voter registration. We also support the SGA president with his community serviceefforts.”
Wesley gives advice to Republican students who maybe considering joining the organization.
“Step on up and come to the meetings,” hesaid.
“Let it be known that you are an independentthinker.”