Students cameout to enjoy the talents of their fellow classmates in the Homecoming talentshow on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in the F. G. Clark Activity Center.
The show wascomprised of a variety of acts featuring R&B, rap, gospel, poetry, dancingand beat-boxing. Kellee Craig, SGA Chief of Staff, Jayson Dogan and Huey Gray,SGA activities coordinators, coordinated the event.
“I think theshow was really a big success and I was proud to see that we had a really bigvariety and I think overall the crowd enjoyed the show. The dancers also added a little moreflare to the event,” Craig said.
The audiencewas tough and acted as an Apollo audience. However, everyone’s talent wasrecognized although it may have not been appreciated.
“I felt goodabout my performance, regardless of what people thought because no matter what,people will hate on you, so you may as well just do you,” Lamond Farnell,freshman music major from Edgard, said.
Farnell did a danceroutine in which the audience did not respond well to, and was booed offstage.
In the midst ofthe certain performers that weren’t perceived well, there were quite a fewcrowd pleasers.
“I feel that Idid the best that I could; I have respect for all the performers, because it’shard to get up there and I’m just happy everyone was feeling my poetry,” saidShayla Cavalier, a freshman speech and pathology major from Baton Rouge.
Cavalier placedthird for her poetry performances.
There was a tiefor first place between Lashaunda Robinson, a sophomore business managementmajor from Baton Rouge who sang gospel, and Justin Patterson, a senior masscommunication major from Houma, who rapped under the alias Young Juice.
The tie wasbroken by the audience who decided that Young Juice was the winner.
”I think that Lashaunda did a real good,because it’s not everyday you hear gospel being sung good like that,” Pattersonsaid.
Othersperforming in the talent show were, Jonathan Wesley, Demond Wilson, the FocusedDance Group, Brandy Haydel, Clifford Nicholos, Adam and ALR Christopher Price,who was last year’s winner.