The SouthernUniversity Jaguars football team could have a change in plans in their upcomingseason.
Instead ofplaying Allen University, as initially indicated on the 2004 tentative footballschedule, the Jags could be going head-to-head with McNeese State University.
According toFloyd A. Kerr, SU athletic director, MSU athletic director Harold Watkinscontacted him on April 15 to express interest in a Southern-McNeese State matchup.
Both directorsagreed that Southern’s first home game would be a feasible and attractive datefor the two teams to meet. The game would also put Southern back on track inaccommodating the option of playing in-state teams, something that has been anissue for Louisiana’s collegiate football teams in recent years.
“It’s a greatopportunity to get a quality (NCAA Division) I-AA opponent,” Kerr said. “Now wehave an attractive home game to open the season and we want the Jaguar Nationto pack the stadium to let the Cowboys know that we are here.”
Terms of thetwo-year contract include MSU coming to The Bluff in 2004 in the upcomingseason. The Jags will then play in Lake Charles during the 2005 season. Bothteams will pay their own expenses, including travel and both schools will beallowed to bring their band to play at their respective away
game. The hometeam will acquire all monies taken at the gate.
Kerr said thatthe fate of the game was now up to the SU System Board of Supervisors. They arescheduled to vote on Thursday during a special session at the board’s retreatin Alexandria.
If approved,Allen would be paid an undisclosed penalty fee for the last-minute contractcancellation.