When Southern lost against Alcorn State last week, I knew that the “Substitute Sideline Judges” and the “Street Committees” would have a field day in their attempt to decipher the loss.
Even I have attempted to figure out why. Then I had an epiphany: I AM NOT THE DAMNED COACH, and furthermore, I DO NOT PLAY COLLEGIATE FOOTBALL.
I might be offending a few people by saying so but donating money, having the biggest tailgate party or sitting in a suite doesn’t give you coaching rights to the team.
I think that it’s downright hilarious that there are so many folks who put themselves through pure hell trying to coach behind Pete Richardson’s back.
Some of you seem to forget that Richardson and the rest of the coaching staff is paid to coach and of course, we all want them to win. But let’s be realistic, there are going to be times when we will lose and last Saturday was one of them.
Additionally, some of you don’t give the players nearly enough credit for the job they are doing. Up until last week, the team was the best thing since birth control. Now some of you complain about crap such as how they got burnt by ASU or how they didn’t run with their heads up or even failed to look both ways before crossing the street.
These young men already go through enough stress playing ball, watching film and attending classes. It doesn’t help when they hear fair- weather fans talk about how pitiful they think the team is. You weren’t saying that during the first seven games.
If you really want to talk, talk about how you still plan on attending Saturday’s game and support the Jags. Even though we are playing a small team, we still have to play.
Southern has four games left on their schedule and that loss only made us stronger. Can you say focused?
To those on the bandwagon who have decided to get off, I guess you don’t live on U.S. Interstate 65. Because the road to Birmingham still goes through Southern.
The road to Birmingham still runs through SU
October 31, 2003
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