There is no denying it: Homecoming weekend is one of the most anticipated times of the school year. Everyone comes “home” to celebrate their passage through college and most of the time, where there’s a celebration, there are libations.
Homecoming for the Jaguar Nation is upon us and we need to be cautious of drinking too much alcohol and not enough water. Humidity in Baton Rouge is quite high and the hotter it is, the more cautious revelers have to be.
According to the Yankelovich Partners for the Nutrition Information Center at the New York Hospital, only one in five Americans meet the recommended eight glasses a day. Furthermore, 44 percent drink three or fewer servings of water daily.
That’s right: the glass is half-empty or has not been filled with water at all.
“People don’t realize just how important water is for the body,” said Vanessa Adams-Harris, biology teacher. “Not having enough water can shut down the body-period.”
Although they do not drink water, most Americans drink eight daily servings of hydrating beverages such as milk, juice and decaffeinated soft drinks, but when you drink at least five servings of Crown Royal and Coke, the benefits of those beverages become obsolete.
Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means it causes the body to lose water through increased urination and increases the chances of dehydration.
The average body of a Jaguar Nation fan is comprised of more than 70 percent water. Water plays a very important role in nearly every major function in the body. It regulates body temperature, which is important on those high-heat and humidity Saturdays. It carries nutrients and oxygen to cells; removes waste and protects tissues and organs-mainly the liver. A two- percent drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, which could be the reason why some of us get inebriated quicker.
For those of you who plan to indulge in Seagram’s Gin, Grey Goose or Miller Lite, here are a few helpful tips:
Make sure you add two glasses of water to your eight-glass minimum. If you perspire a lot, add two more. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. That is a sure indicator that you may be dehydrated.
Drink at regular intervals. If you choose to have a beer, drink a glass of water and then alternate. Don’t party too hard. Exerting too much energy can cause you to lose extra water. Finally, Diet Cokes and Kool-Aid do not count as adequate hydration.
Happy Homecoming to the Jaguar Nation and remember, if you are going to keep your cups full, let one of them have water in it.