After a four-month search for a female physician, a new doctor is in.
Female students welcomed Dr. Christian Brown when the Women’s Clinic reopened this month.
“I feel more comfortable with a female doctor,” said Kristie Jackson, a sophomore political science major from Las Vegas. “I would go somewhere else if we did not have a woman physician, because they can relate more to my body.”
SU Health Center looked for a woman physician to care for the female students since November of last year but Dr. Peter Dawson, physician at SU Health Center, had Brown in mind for the position all along.
Brown has worked with Dawson for two years as a physician outside of Southern University.
“The Woman’s Clinic is a good thing because it makes woman more aware and educates women on early detection,” said Dawson. It is difficult to find a woman physician, we were very fortunate.”
The Women’s Clinic closed after Dr. Yolanda Hill resigned to move to Texas last semester.
Brown, M.D., was hired this month to replace Dr. Hill and re-open the Women’s Clinic.
According to Dawson, the Woman’s Clinic is now booked to the end of the semester.
In addition to counseling, the Women’s Clinic conducts physical exams, breast exams, annual pap smears, and sexually transmitted disease testing.
The Women’s Clinic is open on Wednesdays from 2-8 p.m.