My quest for spiritual enlightenment led me out of the midst of life’s tumultuous torrent to a high peak upon the shores of security. There I stood, alone, on the pinnacle of solitude. Weary from my journey, I took a seat upon a stone and surveyed the twilight scene set before me.
I looked out onto a soulless beach that seemed to stretch for an eternity and heard only the cawing of a nearby gull and the gentle whistle of the wind upon the waves of the halcyon sea. Huge, billowy bundles of white cloud loomed above. From them protruded the most iridescent, celestial arch I had ever seen.
The deep azure blue of the sky began yielding to the crimson shade of eventide, and the orange sun made its slow descent into the briny horizon. Its rays became burning embers of remaining day. As I marveled at the sheer radiance of the moment, I realized to myself that I was in the presence of peace. Then I sighed and wondered if this tender moment would’ve meant anything at all to anyone else in a world like this.
I reflected for a second on what I had just witnessed and wished all the people in the world and all the world leaders could have shared this moment with me. Instead of focusing on the study of war and weapons of mass destruction there could be an appreciation for peace, God and the blessing of life.
I thought after seeing this surely there could be no denying God’s greatness, and His name would not be omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance. I returned home with a renewed spirit and hopeful heart. Suddenly, I heard the most beguiling voice beckoning unto me from the boxed tube in my room. “Come,” it requested. “Look deep into my eye and lend me your mind. Let me TEL- A- VISION.”
I gave it power and it held me mentally. I watched hours of doctrinal duplicity and media purveyance of provincialism and pornographic propaganda put to music on BET and MTV. Realizing my enlightenment had been tainted by entertainment, I turned to the news to rekindle its flame. However, I saw reports of serial murders, police brutality, talks of marijuana legalization, same sex marriages and CONSTANT CALLOUS REBROADCASTS of the 9/11 attacks(seems like it’s been September 11th all year, thanks to the media). It then occurred to me that this nation has a sickness. Although IT IS the greatest place in the world to live and I am thankful to live here, this nation pulsates with wickedness. This was the picture of our nation; a modern day Babylon. Maybe it was a good thing they took God’s name out of the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s too holy to be juxtaposed with a country that harbors such immorality.
In a moment of intense enlightenment, a Zen monk once stated, “Knowing is delusion; not knowing is confusion.” What we see and think we know becomes reality and is all we accept. Yet, reality extends far beyond the boundaries of tangibility. The game we play is spiritual chess, for the spiritual realm is far more real than this physical domain. Continue to soul search and examine SELF!
Let me tel-a-vision of reality
September 12, 2002