Election fever is in the air on the campus of Southern University. Candidates have flooded the campus with flyers, posters, and banners in hopes of gaining the votes of their peers while students reap the benefits of campaign freebies such as pens, T-shirts, and candy.
“We are expecting about 1,800 students to turn out and vote,” said Adrian Deschamp, commissioner of elections.
Students will vote in the primary election Monday, April 15 in the Cotillion Ballroom in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union from 8 a.m. to 5p.m.
According to Deschamp, in order to vote, students must have a validated student identification card.
During this election season, many candidates stood unopposed, therefore did not have to campaign.
“It was a great stress reliever to be unopposed,” said Arthur Monroe, Jr., sophomore class president-elect. “I was able to open my mind and concentrate on the things I wanted to do to make our class better next semester.”
Other candidates unopposed include Mary K. Sims, SGA vice president, Monica D. Bellard, AWS vice president, Jonathan D. Goins, Men’s Federation President, and Tuere T. Davis, sophomore class vice-president. All persons vying for the positions of class senator were also unopposed.
The second round of debates will be held on Tuesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. in the Cotillion Ballroom. The runoff elections would follow on Wednesday, April 17.
Elections 2002
April 11, 2002