Athletes, athletes, athletes, your behavior at the student- athlete meeting, Wednesday, March 6, was no less than horrible.
Mrs. Paul and Ms. Murphy went out of their way to put this meeting together to help you and what do you do? Walk out of the meeting.
They were there to provide you with valuable information.
I know many of you have the attitude that my coach will take care of me, but, I also know many of you needed the information they were trying to provide.
However , when you were ready to leave, you left..
This meeting was put together strictly for questions, answers, and complaints of the student-athletes.
I have held many conversations, where I have taken up for you all and I tell everyone how hard it is to be a student-athlete.
And then you make a liar out of me.
You finally had someone willing to listen to you and you did not want to be helped. You do not understand how much work goes into putting the smallest things together for you.
The Athletic Department works hard for you all. No matter how tired you were or ready to go, show some respect and pride in yourself and the sport you represent.
I went to the meeting, with the intention of covering the meeting for a news story; however I got more than what I bargained for. Beside people walking out and walking in terribly late, I saw grown men fighting over seats. Of course, all of the athletes did not behave in this manner it was mostly the football player. .
After attending the meeting, I returned to the DIGEST office, with an entirely new topic for my editorial. To be honest, after I left the meeting,, my mood changed completely. I was truly upset with the athletes’ behavior.
Question: How will you ever get anything accomplished, if you cannot discuss things in a mature manner?
Answer: You will never accomplish anything, because no one wants to work with 20-year- old children.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk… I am disappointed
March 8, 2002