TheSouthern University Office of International Education will be holding a jazzbrunch on Saturday, March 12.
The brunchwill help raise funds for scholarships to aid students who choose to studyabroad.
“We try tofind external funding sources to provide our students with scholarships tostudy abroad,” said Warner Anderson, assistant dean of international educationand program coordinator.
“Part ofour efforts to provide funding will be our first annual international jazzbrunch.”
The purposeof the study abroad program is to give students the opportunity to learn otherlanguages, to experience other cultures and to perform community service inpoor communities in other countries.
“The basicbelief of study abroad stems from the fact that we live in a global society andwe need to learn how others live, the languages they speak and basically howthey think,” Anderson said.
Studentswho participate in the program mentor, teach and tutor other foreign studentswhile earning up to six university credit hours.
”We want the communities there to seethat we are not only there to absorb but also to give back,” Anderson said.
CynraJackson, a senior from Oakland, Okla. majoring in Spanish and social studies,participated in the program four times, and feels that the program has had atremendous impact on her life.
“TheSouthern University study abroad program changed my life professionally andpersonally,” Jackson said. “Theexperience that I had there made me the multifaceted individual that I am witha global awareness.”
Jacksonexpressed that she was moved that there are entities willing to helpfinancially support students who desire to study abroad.
Theprogram is open to any registered student of Southern University.
“Thequalification is the desire to go,” Anderson said.
For more information contact theSU Office of International Education at 225.771.2605.