Remember back in the day how we use to go to New Orleans to party, go to a sporting event or shop on a whim? That wasn’t too long ago, now was it?
Guess what … Things done changed.
Now Baton Rouge is the largest city in Louisiana, the Saints might march in and I am left without a Saks Fifth Avenue or Gucci boutique.
Things really have changed.
But nothing has really changed … Things have just relocated.
And some of us in this new metropolis just can’t take it. In the past week, I have seen Baton Rouge residents, along with the rest of the nation, extend their arms to a city and other distressed areas that have experienced what some call a “spiritual purging.”
On the other hand, I have seen some residents exhibit the nastiest and rudest behavior. Most of them paranoid from hearing stupid rumors saying Baton Rouge businesses are being looted or people are getting carjacked.
I even heard a rumor from a friend all the way in Chicago that the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison was releasing all of its prisoners because the prisoners in the Metro New Orleans jails were coming here.
Are some of you really that shallow?
I’m not from Baton Rouge. And I don’t intend to live here longer than I have to. I’m quite sure this is the sentiment of many of those who had to leave their beloved New Orleans and other areas of southeastern Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
So when you think someone owes you something for “allowing” this influx of people to boost your economy by purchasing houses or property, or reestablishing their business within parish lines, think again.
All Hurricane Katrina had to do was turn a few degrees northwest. We could have been affected the way the state was in 1927 during “The Great Flood.” Then we would have been right there with the Big Easy, getting that same spiritual purging. Who would we have run to?
There are places throughout the world I would be welcomed if I were displaced.
Can some of you say the same?
The Red Cross can’t help everybody.
The ‘Wardies’ are coming…
September 6, 2005
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