Southern University will no longer use the traditional black cap and gown ensemble for graduating classes. Effective this fall, graduates will be required to wear gowns colored “Columbia Blue,” one of the school’s official colors.
Edward Jackson, chancellor and interim SU System president, said it was his choice to make the change. He said it was time for Southern to fall in line with other institutions of higher academia.
“The decision to change the colors was made by me after conferring with members of the Board (SUS Board of Supervisors) to get their support,” Jackson said. “We wanted to use our official school color.”
Jackson said that many schools have shed their traditional black graduation caps and gowns and converted to their school colors and citied Harvard as an example. Florida A&M University graduates also wear their official school colors of Citrus Orange and Green.
Jackson also said he would like to see a more prevalent display of Columbia Blue on campus.
“We want to use our color more,” Jackson said. “On our uniforms and in our facilities. We want to be proud of our color.”
Brenda Williams, registrar, said finding the right shade to exemplify Southern’s colors was not easy. Nonetheless, a vendor was located and school officials are very excited about the look.
“It was difficult to find the right blue,” Williams said. “We looked at a bunch of blue. You know, walking around campus, you’ll see a whole bunch of blue and gold, but it’s never the real Colombia Blue.
“So, it was a little tricky trying to get a Colombia Blue that really looked good,” Williams said. “And one that we thought would work for everyone.”
Williams said since the word has gotten around that the colors have changed, some students have not responded so well.
“We’ve been getting a few calls and some of them haven’t been so nice,” she said. “People have seen me walking around with the robe and it’s like, ‘Ugh. Ya’ll are going to wear that?”
“So it’s going to be a little challenging for the first go-round,” Williams said. “But I think when they see the students coming into to the arena in the blue, I think they’ll understand and I think they’ll appreciate it.”
Olivia Garret, a senior political science major from Shreveport, said she had no qualms with the change, other than feeling students should have been more involved with the decision to change the colors.
“I really don’t have a problem with it, but I wish it would have been left up to us, because we have to buy it,” Garret said.
Jackson said he thinks the students will be pleased with change and he did seek some student opinion, not only from SUBR, but from other universities as well.
“I did talk to some students and they loved the idea,” Jackson said. “Those colors will be a part of their lives for the rest of their lives. It’s like wearing your family name. Now we have the opportunity to put on our colors and say this is who we are. This is Southern University.”
The new robes will be provided by Balfour and sold at University Bookstore with a five-dollar increase. Undergraduate and graduate ensembles now cost $33 and $55, respectively.
“There is a slight increase in the cost, but it’s not nearly what we thought it would it be,” Williams said. “We were thinking it was going to be a tremendous increase, but it’s only very minimal.”
Jackson said if students choose not to purchase the gowns of the mandated color, they would not participate in graduation.
“They just won’t walk,” he said. “It’s as simple as that.”
Jackson changes colors for graduation
October 21, 2005
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