Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans, said in a letter to Gov. Kathleen Blanco that a lawsuit filed against the governor by the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus last week was not intended as an insult, but to clear relationships and set boundaries.
The petition, filed on Nov. 9, accused Blanco of overstepping legislative authority when she issued an executive order to cut $431million in state spending.
Blanco retaliated and said some members of the caucus were upset because some of their favorite projects were in jeopardy of being cut.
Richmond, chairman of the caucus, said the suit was about the “preservation and balance of distinct rights, and the budgeting process.” He also wrote that her comments reflected the “lack of understanding” between Blanco’s administration, the caucus, Urban Affairs and constituents.
“To suggest that the Caucus filed a petition against you as a ploy to secure Urban Affairs funds back into the state’s budget is the lowest form of racial baiting,” Richmond said.
Richmond suggested legislators deserved “straight answers to straight questions,” and accused Blanco’s administration of balancing the state’s budget on the backs of poor constituents.
Caucus vice chairman Michael Jackson said Blanco comments averted from what really was important. The state representative said the governor’s comments reflected a lack of respect.
“Limiting the dialogue to political pandering as opposed to the issues at hand is not respectful of our position as legislators,” Jackson, D-Baton Rouge, said. “The issue outlined by the caucus is one that questions the authority of the executive branch versus that of the legislative branch.”
Jackson said the caucus, represented by Sen. Cleo Fields, D-Baton Rouge, would be able to hear Blanco’s legal explanation for her actions at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday in the 19th Judicial District Court.
Richmond accuses Blanco of race baiting
November 15, 2005
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