Members of the Southern University Lacumba Three Projectcommittee are currently discussing the process of obtaining a new Lacumba.
“I believe the first one was purchased,” said Mayo Brew, amember of the Lacumba Three Project committee. “The last one was given to us bythe Baton Rouge Zoo. I’m almost positive the next Lacumba will be given to ustoo.”
The decision has been made that before they begin an actualsearch for a new Lacumba, the project committee plans to make sure a newhabitat is in place for the new mascot.
“Six months is the deadline that were working on to get anew cage,” said Arthur Monroe, a member of the Lacumba Three Project committeeand Student Government Association President. “It’s very important to us thatwe can say that we have a mascot for homecoming this year.”
The project committee is still meeting about issuessurrounding fundraising for the new habitat.
”I think you are going to be proud of what the committeeis going to come up with. I feel that it’s a worthwhile project,” Brew said.”It’s (Lacumba) a proud tradition that’s been carried out.”
According to Brew, a news conference will be held Wednesday,Feb.16, where all information concerning Lacumba will released. Though othersmay differ, Monroe feels a new Lacumba is definitely needed.
“Lacumba meant a lot to everybody,” Monroe said. “Lacumbameans the heart of Africa — she was the heart of the students. We need outheart back.”