The Beta Sigmachapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. has appealed a suspension issued lastweek that was handed down due to an alleged student hazing.
On Feb. 16,Southern University Dean of Student Life Robert Bennett gave the chapter athree-year suspension in response to a claim by an SU student that he wasphysically harmed after members of the fraternity contacted him to meet them inPort Allen and Zachary, on two occasions.
Thefraternity’s reaction to the suspension has resulted in the questioning of thedisciplinary procedures carried out by Bennett.
ChapterBasileus Deion Dorsett said that the university had failed to follow properprotocol in handling the situation and the chapter would appeal on the basis oferrors they felt were made during the judicial proceedings and the sanctionsimposed were inappropriate.
“For one, thetimetable on witnesses; two, the fact that all the evidence wasn’t madeavailable to me as a chapter representative; and three, the right of beinginnocent until proven guilty was not given,” Dorsett said. “I feel that thesanction is inappropriate because a case was not proven to show us as guiltyand his (the accuser) testimony produced a lot of inconsistencies.”
Part Five ofthe Southern University 2002-2204 Student Handbook, highlights the SU StudentCode of Conduct and according to its Judiciary System outline any student, in anycase referred to the University Judicial committee shall be granted theopportunity to present their version of the facts through oral and writtenstatements, including statements of witnesses.
Also, theaccused shall have the opportunity to hear all information presented againstthem and to question adverse witnesses personally but not through legalcounsel.
The student(s)also have the right to appeal decisions and sanctions imposed by theUniversity-wide Judiciary Board or the vice chancellor for student affairs.
“I do feelthat this was handled fairly,” Bennett said. “My responsibility is to firstprotect the students and then the integrity of the university. We (the Officeof Student Life) made sure everything was handled correctly.”
According to Bennett,the Pan-Hellenic Council Judicial Committee is the first to address casesinvolving Greek letter organizations.
“If it is anindividual case, then it would go before the (Southern) University JudicialCommittee,” Bennett said.
After thecommittee renders a decision, the recommendation is made to the dean of StudentLife and he determines whether or not he will uphold it.
“If I don’tfeel that it is a good recommendation or a correct recommendation then I rule,”Bennett said.
After Bennettmakes a decision, the accused has the option of appealing to the university’sjudicial committee (except in cases involving Greek organizations).
A student has48 hours to make the initial appeal after the dean of Student Life has giventhe verdict.
According toBennett, the first appeal is made directly to the vice chancellor for StudentAffairs after which he has seven days to respond as to whether or not he willgrant an appeal. He can then take the steps to appeal to the University AppealsBoard, the vice chancellor for Student Affairs, the chancellor of the campus,the president of SU System, and finally to the SU Board of Supervisors.