One vote really counts. With a difference of only one voteJustin E. McCorkle, 673 and Alvin J. Woods, 672 are in the presidentialrun-off, as the Student Government election results upcoming school year wereannounced on Monday evening at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union CotillionBallroom at Southern University.
The runoff will be held on Wednesday, April 13, from 9 5 p.m. in another campus wide election.
“I am relieved to be in the runoff. I am still claimingmy victory even though I am the underdog,” Woods said.
Woods, who won the students over with his seven-systemprogram plans to increase campus security and provide vital information tostudents via a newsletter entitled ‘Did You Know?’
“I am about to get out there and talk to people. If youshow the students that you are passionate about what you want, they will showsupport,” said Woods.
McCorkle, who had to leave the debate last Tuesday nightbecause of a family emergency, led the election results by the single vote.
“I hope we can get more students out to vote in therun-off,” said McCorkle. “I plan to pick up my person to personcampaign and put that into overdrive.”
His platform included making the Student GovernmentAssociation more visible to the community, increase student body participationin SGA activities and become a true advocate for the entire student body.
Other candidates voting totals includes Deion Dorsett whohad collected 491 votes and is now rallying behind McCorkle.
“I am definitely encouraging all the people on mycampaign to assist Mr. McCorkle and get out and vote this Wednesday,” Dorsettsaid. “I am going to do exactly what I said I was going to do whether Ilost or won. That is to work for a better unified student body and to continueto serve in any capacity available.”
Coming in fourth place was Rodney Junior who received 168votes.
The run-off for Miss Southern will be between KendalynEdwards (349) and Sharika King (918).
“I feel good. I’m going to get out there and make surethey know what I’m doing,” Edward said. “May the best womanwin.”
King is happy about the voter turnout.
“I’m excited but the work is not done yet. I want tocharge the students not to vote for their friends, but for the bestcandidate.”
In the race for SGA Vice President, Tiffany Johnson (1,155)defeated Chavis T. Mitchell (789).
“I am really excited to work with the senators we haveso far. I also hope the students get more involved with the senate and SGA,said Johnson.”
Newly elected president for the Association of WomenStudents (AWS) is Allecyn Gay (593) over Stephanie Berthelemy (574).
“I plan to achieve every goal on my platform and anyother issues the ladies on Southern’s campus need to address,” said Gay.
Junior class president winner, Dawayne Grant, is thankfulfor his victory.
“It really meant a lot to me because I dedicated it allto my father. I see a whole lot of change coming along and I am excited aboutworking with whoever is elected.”
Former Freshmen Class Vice President Brittany Bass (394) waselected sophomore class president as she defeated current Freshman ClassPresident Ruben Griffin (280).
“I am thrilled. I am glad that the freshmen class ofSouthern University went and voted on the platform and not popularity. I amready to work and we will have a very successful year,” said Bass.
Other runoff races include the race for Miss Senior, betweenMelissa Brown and Shaundreak Rhines; Miss Junior between Yani Byrd and AshleeRansom and Miss Sophomore between Fetia Rogers and Terrica Wilson.
The SGA run-off debate will take place Tuesday, April 12 inthe Smith-Brown Memorial Union Cotillion Ballroom at 6:30 p.m.