Members of Southern’s alumni,faculty, staff and student body came together March 9 for Founders’ Day tocelebrate the university’s 125 years in existence.
“As a result of the diligent worksof our founders, we have come a long way,” said Miss Southern Enitra Jones. “Wecelebrate 125 years while endeavoring to complete 125 more.”
In 1880, Southern first opened itsdoors in New Orleans as an institution for people of color.
In 1914, the college relocated toScotlandville alongside the banks of the Mississippi River. Now the SouthernUniversity System is the home of five campuses: Southern University at NewOrleans, Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge, SouthernUniversity at Shreveport, Southern University Law Center and Southern University Agriculturaland Research Extension Center..
Donald Wade, president of theSouthern University National Alumni Association thoroughly enjoyed the Founders’Day events.
“We have had to stand on theshoulders of people that have brought us here,” Wade said.
The Founders’ Day Convocationspeaker was SU Board of Supervisors Chairman Johnny Anderson. He attempted tomotivate SU to continue in its strive for success.
“The hard work to protect andpreserve the university must move forward,” Anderson said. “This is a miracle at Scott’s Bluff.”
Times have changed drastically,said Dr. Isaac Greggs, director of the SU marching band and 40-year employee.
“It is fantastic, reallyfantastic,” he said. “When I was here nothing was here. It has really grown andI have seen it all.”
Greggs was one of the many honoredat the Founders’ Day luncheon for 20, 30, 40 and 50-year employees.
“Even with all of our great achievements,we need to do better,” Anderson said. “We need more creativity. Not only to beone of the best, but the best; and together we can do it.”
According to Anderson, SouthernUniversity should set its own standards and meet them accordingly.
“We must hold ourselves to thehighest standard. The SU System is better than average. We are the flag-shipamong universities.”
Anderson describes the future as “anew beginning.”
“And make SU a combined effort. Asknot what Southern can do for you, but what you can do for Southern University.”