Lately, there has been a barrage ofletters bashing those who are leaders of Southern University’s Baton RougeCampus and the SU System.
One letter mentions that ifChancellor Edward Jackson wants to save money and prevent a furlough, he shouldrid the campus of employees who earn over $80,000 a year such as FlandusMcClinton, Diane Craig, Dr. Ralph Slaughter, Mayo Brew and Demetria George,just to name a few. The letter also suggests that Jackson and system presidentLeon Tarver should step down as well.
Then there is another letterrecommending them and others to take turns playing the role as Lacumba, ourfallen mascot, to save money.
Even though I laughed at first (andlaughed hard), I changed my tune. Whoever wrote that crap is a whole coward.Why don’t you state your name when acting like a jackass? Be able todifferentiate which personnel work for the system and who works for the campusand respect their office while doing it.
I may not agree with what everyoneis doing around here, but I would never send personal attacks at anyone on thiscampus; I still have to graduate. And then all you had to do was go to thelibrary and look at the “PAFs” in order to see who really makes over $80,000annually. Some of the people you mentioned don’t nearly make that much.
If you are going to berate someoneon paper, at least do it using correct grammar and improve your sentencestructure. And by the way, don’t do it using the university’s paper stash.
To the bandit(s) writing thosehorrible pieces of stupidity, get a life. There are ways to address yourcomplaints and the way you went about makes you look foolish.
Don’t get me wrong, I know thereare problems in the administration; by no means do I doubt it. But I alsobelieve there are channels and the buck doesn’t stop at the chancellor orpresident of a university. You can go higher with your complaint.
To those protesting Tarver’s”resignation deal,” this is just something you’re going to have to deal with.When a president or chancellor steps down from his post, it isn’t uncommon forthem to receive a title of “distinguished” and get paid for it.
Now the question is whether or nothe “resigned” under pressure.
Because if he did, he shouldn’t getpaid that much and if someone wants you out of office — regardless of whattitle you hold — “distinguished” is one that should not be revered and youdamned sure shouldn’t get paid for it.
Whatever the case, most of you gotwhat you so called wanted anyway, which is for him to be gone.
So those folks throwing “Tarvertantrums” really should be upset with themselves and the SU Board ofSupervisors. You wanted him gone so badly that he was “forced out” on histerms.
Be careful for what you ask, youjust might get it. And furthermore, perhaps it’s the creator of those hateletters that need to bale out. If you are that upset off, leave.
Because you are not making thistime of transition Southern is going through any easier. As a matter of fact,you are making it more embarrassing.
And that’s straight from the”distinguished” pen and mouth of Nikki G. Bannister. And you won’t get any actsof cowardice here.