Every semester here at Southern University, students look forward to one major “event” that happens. This certain “event” is when refund money drops. We look forward to this day even before the school year starts. Students begin to think about the many ways they can spend their money or the many ways they can save it. On one hand, a lot of students don’t know that this is money that you have to pay back. And on the other hand, a lot of students don’t have to worry about that because it is free money. On the day that refunds do drop, many of us go to the mall. Saving the money we get isn’t very important to us at that time. Some of us may go out and by cars, clothes, food, rims, weave, or makeup. We spend money on the things we have been wanting for the longest. The first thing I spent my money on is clothes. I updated my winter wardrobe and didn’t even worry about the prices. I think besides homecoming, refunds dropping are the most anticipated thing. Lol sounds crazy right? Yea I know, it sounds crazy to me too. We are all young adults, which means that we should be saving up money instead of going out and spending it. I guess you can say that that’s not how the young brain works lol. This is a very joyous time around campus.
Refund Check
November 1, 2016
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